Table 3.

Unadjusted Frequency of Provider Action Taken Related to Encounters in Which CDS Recommended New Medication

Intervention Clinic Encs, Tool Used (CDS+)Intervention Clinic Encs, Tool Not Used (CDS-)Control Clinic Encs (CDSc)
BP Meds(n = 6820)(n = 18,265)(n = 23,267)
 Any BP Rx Recommendation34.932.733.7
 Recommendation High Priority (1 to 2)40.437.137.4
 Recommendation Low Priority (3 to 6)26.124.625.7
 Between rec p-value<0.001<0.001<0.001
Diabetes (DM) Meds(n = 1354)(n = 3951)(n = 2994)
 Any DM Rx Recommendation36.034.532.9
 Recommendation High Priority (1 to 2)45.544.843.9
 Recommendation Low Priority (3 to 6)23.518.520.6
 Between rec p-value<0.001<0.001<0.001
Dyslipidemia Meds(n = 4383)(n = 10,186)(n = 12,704)
 Any Dyslipidemia Rx Recommendation10.36.66.5
 Recommendation High Priority (1 to 2)
 Recommendation Low Priority (3 to 6)17.014.614.2
 Between rec p-value0.140<0.001<0.001
Tobacco Cessation Meds(n = 3006)(n = 7110)(n = 9543)
 Any Tobacco Cessation Rx Recommendation9.16.96.7
  • Abbreviations: CDS, Clinical decision support; BP, Blood pressure.

  • Notes: N = count of encounters for patients with a recommendation to start a medication who were not prescribed any type of that medication in the past 6 months. Two-tailed, unpaired t test with significance level set at 0.05 assuming unequal variances.