Table 3.

Primary Care Patient Characteristics by Visit Type During the Early Months of COVID-19 (March 23, 2020–June 22, 2020)

Office Visit, N (%)Phone Visit, N (%)Video Visit, N (%)
Demographic VariablesCategoriesCommercialUninsuredCommercialUninsuredCommercialUninsuredp-Value*
Age group18 to 4415,902 (29.00)362 (21.31)4424 (8.07)895 (52.68)34,508 (62.93)442 (26.02)<0.0001
45 to 5410,679 (31.78)433 (24.99)3180 (9.46)962 (55.51)19,741 (58.75)338 (19.5)
55 to 6412,948 (34.3)368 (24.27)4506 (11.94)913 (60.22)20,290 (53.76)235 (15.5)
>=6523,205 (35.54)135 (23.98)12,275 (18.8)353 (62.7)29,810 (45.66)75 (13.32)
SexFemale36,187 (30.97)873 (23.65)15,663 (13.41)2094 (56.73)64,983 (55.62)724 (19.62)0.0004
Male26,545 (35.57)425 (23.35)8720 (11.68)1029 (56.54)39,365 (52.75)366 (20.11)
Unknown2 (40)2 (40)1 (20)
Race/ ethnicityWhite41,276 (32.97)124 (18.76)15,729 (12.56)378 (57.19)68,199 (54.47)159 (24.05)0.0001
Black8376 (31.25)273 (23.51)4060 (15.15)657 (56.59)14,365 (53.6)231 (19.9)
Hispanic8007 (34.26)864 (24.57)2939 (12.57)2006 (57.04)12,426 (53.17)647 (18.4)
Other3007 (33.31)26 (20.8)827 (9.16)61 (48.8)5192 (57.52)38 (30.4)
Unknown2068 (29.27)11 (23.4)830 (11.75)21 (44.68)4167 (58.98)15 (31.91)
Type of InsuranceSelf-pay6860 (31.27)1026 (24.34)2824 (12.87)2360 (55.98)12,251 (55.85)830 (19.69)0.0038
Unknown615 (32.66)28 (17.61)281 (14.92)91 (57.23)987 (52.42)40 (25.16)
Government/Private55,259 (32.96)244 (21.48)21,280 (12.69)672 (59.15)91,111 (54.35)220 (19.37)
  • Note: *p-value was estimated from multinomial logistic regression where dependent variable was type of visit and the reported p-value was from the significance of the interaction term between the group and corresponding socio-economic variable after adjusted for Bonferroni due to multiple testing. As four tests were performed, the adjusted alpha was 0.0125.