Appendix Table 1.

Characteristics of Clinic Personnel Respondents (n = 15) at Two Federally Qualified Health Centers in Northern California

Participant CharacteristicsN (% or SD)
Age in years, mean (SD)39 (9.4)
Percent female80%
Clinic personnel role, N (%)
 Leader or manager4 (26%)
 Primary care physicians3 (20%)
 Care coordinator or community health worker2 (13%)
 Operations/support staff6 (40%)
Organizational tenure in years, mean (SD)5.3 (5.1)
Responsibilities include patient interaction, N (%)12 (80%)
 American Indian1 (8%)
 Asian or Pacific Islander4 (33%)
 White3 (25%)
 Other raceb1 (8%)
 Hispanic/Latino5 (42%)
 Non-Hispanic/Latino7 (58%)
Fluent in Spanisha8 (67%)
  • Abbreviation: SD, Standard deviation.

  • Note: Rows may not add up to 100% for certain characteristics if respondent(s) did not answer a question. Clinic personnel respondents completed interviews between 2020-2021. Eight respondents participated from Clinic A, and seven from Clinic B.

  • aRace, ethnicity and Spanish fluency were collected only for those whose organizational responsibilities included patient interaction (n = 12).

  • bOther does not include the response options Alaska Native and Black/African American, which were not selected by respondents.