Table 3.

Preventive Health Services Completion Among Eligible Patients at Baseline and 8 Months Post-Intervention Implementation

Preventive Health ServiceBaseline8 Months Post-Implementationp-Value for difference in % fulfillment
Eligible Cohort, nFulfilled, n (%)Eligible Cohort, nFulfilled, n (%)
Influenza1512840 (56.3)1166693 (59.6)0.032
Herpes zoster (shingles)1431622 (43.5)1119530 (47.4)<0.001
Pneumococcal (PPSV23)1149831 (72.3)1000744 (74.4)<0.001
Tetanus (Td or Tdap)1512862 (57.0)1166662 (56.8)<0.001
Cancer screening
Colorectal cancer945324 (34.3)675222 (32.9)0.026
Breast cancer screening (mammogram)517215 (41.6)340153 (45.0)0.777
Cervical cancer screening*11664 (55.2)7546 (61.3)0.357
PSA (prostate)**320204 (63.8)308174 (56.5)0.028
Other screening
Osteoporosis317120 (37.9)231103 (44.6)<0.001
Hepatitis C1179275 (23.3)861249 (28.9)<0.001
Alcohol misuse screening1492635 (42.6)1161696 (59.9)<0.001
Depression screening1279661 (51.7)954649 (68.0)<0.001
Tobacco use screening14981266 (84.5)1161926 (79.8)<0.001
Advance care planning123497 (7.9)1026191 (18.6)<0.001
Fulfillment of recommended preventive health services151347.5 (S.D. = 25.2)116753.8 (S.D. = 25.8)<0.001
  • *% females aged 65 and younger who are up to date on cervical cancer screening (pap smear and/or HPV testing).

  • **% males over age 70 (without prostate cancer, a previous elevated PSA in the past year, or a prescription for a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor) who received prostate specific antigen testing in the past year.

  • % fulfillment of all recommended preventive health services listed in this table computed at the patient level [except for tetanus vaccination (since Medicare Part B does not routinely cover it) and PSA screening (a measure of overuse)] (maximum of n = 12 services).