Table 2.

Characteristics of Study Participants

Age (in years), mean (SD)48.5 (11.5)
Men9 (2.3%)
Women382 (97.7%)
Non-Hispanic White30 (7.7%)
Non-Hispanic Black80 (20.5%)
Hispanic234 (60.0%)
Asian/Pacific Islander7 (1.8%)
Other39 (10.0%)
Were you born in the United States?
No343 (87.7%)
Yes48 (12.3%)
How many years have you lived in the United States? Median (IQR)19 (9, 30)
How many years have you been a home care worker? Median (IQR)10 (5, 17)
As a home care worker, about how many clients have you cared for with heart failure
1 to 5281 (71.9%)
6 to 1048 (12.3%)
11 to 158 (2.0%)
More than 1512 (3.1%)
Not sure42 (10.7%)
  • Fifty-six unique agencies represented in the analytic sample.

  • Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; IQR, interquartile range.