Table 2.

Current Vitamin D Supplementation Prescribing Practices of Infant-Only Clinicians and Clinicians Who Care for Mothers and Infants

IC (n = 168)MIC (n = 192)Total (n = 360)P-Value
Times have you seen a child with nutritional rickets   <0.001
    087 (51.8%)184 (95.8%)271 (75.3%) 
    1 to 254 (32.1%)8 (4.2%)62 (17.2%)
    3 to 518 (10.7%)0 (0.0%)18 (5.0%)
    6 to 106 (3.6%)0 (0.0%)6 (1.7%) 
    11 or more3 (1.8%)0 (0.0%)3 (0.8%) 
Times have you seen a child with vitamin D toxicity   0.002
    0148 (88.1%)189 (98.4%)337 (93.6%) 
    1 to 216 (9.5%)2 (1.0%)18 (5.0%)
    3 to 51 (0.6%)1 (0.5%)2 (0.6%)
    6 to 101 (0.6%)0 (0.0%)1 (0.3%) 
    11 or more2 (1.2%)0 (0.0%)2 (0.6%) 
How often you recommend vitamin D supplementation to exclusively breastfed infants? Median (IQR)100 (100, 100) 100 (90, 100) 100 (95, 100) <0.001
How often you recommend vitamin D supplementation to partially breastfed infants or infants receiving less than 1000 mL of formula daily? Median (IQR) 90 (60.5, 100)80 (30, 100) 84 (50, 100) 0.005
Why do you recommend vitamin D supplementation?   
    To follow guideline recommendations161 (96.4%)161 (91.0%)322 (93.6%)0.04
    Because vitamin D deficiency occurs in the region where I practice73 (43.7%)78 (44.1%)151 (43.9%) 0.95
    To prevent rickets102 (61.1%)57 (32.2%)159 (46.2%) <0.001
    Other8 (4.8%)4 (2.3%)12 (3.5%)0.20 
Why do you not recommend vitamin D supplementation?   
    I am not aware of any guideline recommendations to do so4 (30.8%)4 (30.8%)
    I have other priorities during the infant visit1 (7.7%)1 (7.7%)
    Breastfed infants can get vitamin D from mothers who take adequate vitamin D2 (15.4%)2 (15.4%)
    Other9 (69.2%)9 (69.2%)
How do you recommend vitamin D supplementation be given?   
    To infants via vitamin D drops161 (95.8%)158 (89.8%)319 (92.7%) 0.03
    To breastfeeding mothers via a prenatal vitamin only3 (1.8%)19 (10.8%)22 (6.4%) <0.001
    To breastfeeding mothers in doses higher than in a prenatal vitamin32 (19.0%)47 (26.7%)79 (23.0%)0.09 
    I discuss infant and maternal supplementation options and let the parents/caregivers choose37 (22.0%)61 (34.7%)98 (28.5%)0.009 
    I do not recommend vitamin D supplementation, but I encourage regular sunlight exposure0 (0.0%)2 (1.1%)2 (0.6%)0.17 
    Other2 (1.2%)5 (2.8%)7 (2.0%)0.28 
  • Abbreviations: IC, infant-only clinicians; MIC, mother-and-infant clinicians; IQR, interquartile ratio.