Table 2.

Parental Perceptions of Child’s Weight, Nutritional Quantity/Quality, Physical Activity, Body Mass Index, and Calories and Steps Per Day

Parental Perceptionn (%)
Child’s weight (n = 37)
 Healthy33 (89.2)
 Overweight3 (8.1)
No answer1 (2.7)
Amount of food child eats (n = 37)
 Adequate36 (97.3)
 Excessive1 (2.7)
Nutritional quality of food child eats (n = 37)
 Fair7 (18.9)
 Good24 (64.9)
 Excellent6 (16.2)
Child’s physical activity level (n = 37)
 Inadequate1 (2.7)
 Adequate25 (67.6)
 Excessive10 (27.0)
 No response1 (2.7)
Safe areas near home to play outside (n = 37)
 Yes37 (100)
Age-adjusted BMI percentile categories (n = 37)
 Underweight (<5th percentile)1 (2.7)
 Healthy (5th percentile to < 85th percentile)24 (64.9)
 Overweight (85th percentile to <95th percentile)5 (13.5)
 Obese (≥95th percentile)7 (18.9)
 BMI percentile (n = 37)60.2 (31.5) 4 to 99
Mean (Range)
 Non-home cooked meals eaten per week (n = 36)2 meals (0 to 4 meals)
 Hours per day child spends in front of a screen (computer, TV, phone, tablet) (n = 37)1.6 hours (0 to 4 hours)
 Steps per day (n = 34)19450 (4205 to 14551)
 Calories per day21405 (732 to 2186)
 Day 1 average (n = 36)1375 (506 to 2446)
 Day 2 average (n = 24)1440 (827 to 2098)
  • Abbreviation: BMI, body mass index.

  • 1Average of 4 days or 5 days of step count as measured by Garmin Vivofit Jr. 2.

  • 2 As measured by average of calories from ASA24 dietary recall surveys.