Table 3.

Weighted Percentages* of Administrators’ Perceptions of the Impact of the State Service Program on Their Site’s Ability to Recruit and Retain Clinicians of the Participating Clinician’s Discipline, by the Three Program Types

Perceived EffectsTotalSolely-State LRPsState-NHSC LRPsForgivable Loan ProgramsP Value for Group Differences
(n = 735)(n = 396)(n = 279)(n = 60)
In general, how easy or difficult is it for this clinic to recruit this discipline?% difficult66.1%63.8%71.8%52.8%0.019
% easy14.5%16.4%11.1%18.9%0.137
How much easier or more difficult was it to recruit this clinician because of the state service program?% easier81.7%82.2%82.3%75.0%0.53
% more difficult3.1%3.2%3.2%2.3%0.89
How much quicker or longer did it take to fill this position because of the state service program% quicker65.4%67.3%64.3%58.3%0.53
% longer1.1%1.5%0.8%0.0%0.31
How much less or more expensive was it to fill this position because of the state service program?% less expensive34.8%34.9%35.6%29.8%0.80
% more expensive9.6%6.3%15.8%0.0%0.002
Do you anticipate that this specific clinician’s participation in the state service program will help her/him remain longer at this practice?% longer78.8%78.2%82.6%62.3%0.008
% shorter3.0%2.3%3.5%5.7%0.47
In general, do you anticipate that clinicians of this discipline remain longer or shorter in your practice if they participate in this state service program?% longer83.0%83.2%85.5%67.9%0.015
% shorter1.8%1.5%2.4%0.0%0.41
  • Abbreviations: NHSC, National Health Service Corps; LRP, Loan Repayment Program.

  • * Results from Likert-scaled questionnaire items with 5 response options and a neutral middle value. Weighted percentage figures (e.g., “% easier”) represent the combined weighted percent of subjects reporting the two values at the relevant end of the scale (e.g., weighted % “much easier” combined with weighted % “somewhat easier”).