Table 3.

Qualitative Data Elements and Their Collection

Qualitative Data CollectedWhat Was CollectedHow Were Data ObtainedWhen Were Data Collected
ArtifactsDocuments related to Cooperatives’ work (e.g., grant application, training materials)Obtained from CooperativesThroughout initiative
Online DiariesPlatform to share real-time implementation experiencesOnline text entries from Cooperative teams prompted by ESCALATESThroughout initiative
Field ObservationVisits to learn about each Cooperative team, and understand the work they were doing (e.g., startup, recruitment, implementation activities, including observing facilitators work with practices)Fieldnotes, including
observation of 41 facilitators
with 54 unique practices
August 2015 – March 2016;
July 2016 – April 2017
Semi-structured InterviewsInterviewed Cooperative leadership, members of partner organizations, and facilitators to explore start-up and implementation experiences39 interviews with Cooperative leadership and partners; 89 unique facilitator interviews; 66 interviews with practice membersThroughout the initiative
Context AssessmentsCooperatives completed assessments to provide information about their local contexts, including team’s experience, regional attributes, experiences with recruitment and implementation of external supportTwo written assessments;
Cooperative teams answered
5 to 6 broad questions
Recruitment and implementation phases
  • Abbreviations: ESCALATES, Evaluating System Change to Advance Learning and Take Evidence to Scale.