Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree that your practice has used the following strategies to improve cardiovascular preventive care Strongly disagree. . . . . . . . 1 Disagree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Neutral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Agree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Strongly agree. . . . . . . . . . .5 | |
CPCQ1 | Providing information and skills-training |
CPCQ2 | Using opinion leaders, role modeling, or other vehicles to encourage support for changes |
CPCQ3 | Changing or creating systems in the practice that make it easier to provide high quality care |
CPCQ4 | Removal or reduction of barriers to better quality of care |
CPCQ5 | Using teams focused on accomplishing the change process for improved care |
CPCQ6 | Delegating to non-clinician staff the responsibility to carry out aspects of care that are normally the responsibility of physicians |
CPCQ7 | Providing to those who are charged with implementing improved care the power to authorize and make the desired changes |
CPCQ8 | Period measurement of care quality for assessing compliance with any new approach to care |
CPCQ9 | Reporting measurements of practice performance on cardiovascular disease prevention measures (such as aspirin for patients at risk for ischemic vascular disease) for comparison with their peers |
CPCQ10 | Setting goals and benchmarking rates of performance quality on cardiovascular disease prevention measures at least yearly |
CPCQ11 | Customizing the implementation of cardiovascular disease prevention care changes to the practice |
CPCQ12 | Using rapid cycling, piloting, pre-testing, or other vehicles for reducing the risk of negative results for introducing organization-wide change in care |
CPCQ13 | Deliberately designing care improvements so as to make clinician participation less work than before |
CPCQ14 | Deliberately designing care improvements to make the care process more beneficial to the patient |
Reponses were rescaled to range from −2 to 2 and summed to produce the practice-level CPCQ score, ranging from −28 to 28.