Table 1.

Participant Baseline Medical Appointment Experiences and Characteristics

Question and Responsen (Percent)
How do you usually get to your medical appointment?
    I drive in my personal vehicle666 (84%)
    A friend or family member drives me in that person's personal vehicle134 (17%)
    Bus, train, or some form of public transportation34 (4%)
    Rideshare (eg, Uber, Lyft, others)36 (5%)
    Senior ride program (Dial-a-ride, others)4 (1%)
    Taxi3 (0%)
    Bicycle7 (1%)
    Walk23 (3%)
    Scooter0 (0%)
Approximately how long does it take you to get to your medical appointments?
    Less than 10 minutes62 (8%)
    10 to 15 minutes172 (22%)
    16 to 30 minutes308 (39%)
    31 to 45 minutes147 (18%)
    46 to 60 minutes67 (8%)
    Over 1 hour41 (5%)
Approximately how many miles do you usually travel to get to your medical appointments?
    1 to 3 miles93 (12%)
    4 to 6 miles207 (26%)
    7 to 10 miles199 (25%)
    11 to 15 miles126 (16%)
    Over 15 miles172 (22%)
What is your stated gender?
    Male199 (25%)
    Female591 (74%)
    Other:7 (1%)
What is your race? Choose all that apply.
    White403 (51%)
    Black or African American44 (6%)
    American Indian or Alaska Native6 (1%)
    Asian Indian14 (2%)
    Chinese43 (5%)
    Filipino18 (2%)
    Japanese20 (3%)
    Korean15 (2%)
    Vietnamese2 (0%)
    Other Asian15 (2%)
    Native Hawaiian0 (0%)
    Guamanian or Chamorro1 (0%)
    Samoan0 (0%)
    Other Pacific Islander4 (1%)
    Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a197 (25%)
    Puerto Rican3 (0%)
    Cuban4 (1%)
    Another Hispanic, Latino/a or Spanish origin64 (8%)
What is your insurance type?
    EPO (exclusive provider organization)200 (25%)
    PPO (preferred provider organization)410 (51%)
    HMO (health maintenance organization)11 (1%)
    Medicare122 (15%)
    Medicaid/Medi-Cal39 (5%)
    Other15 (2%)
What is your current employment status?
    Employed491 (62%)
    Unemployed50 (6%)
    Homemaker23 (3%)
    Student31 (4%)
    Retired137 (17%)
    Disabled34 (4%)
    Other:31 (4%)
What is your role at the University of Southern California?
    Student22 (3%)
    Faculty51 (6%)
    Staff168 (21%)
    Alumni49 (6%)
    Family member/dependent72 (9%)
    Not affiliated with University of Southern California435 (55%)
What is your marital status? Mark only one.
    Married394 (49%)
    Not married but living with a partner57 (7%)
    Divorced91 (11%)
    Widowed47 (6%)
    Separated6 (1%)
    Single, never been married202 (25%)
What is the highest grade or level of schooling you completed?
    Less than 8 years8 (1%)
    8 to 11 years9 (1%)
    12 years or completed high school (including GED)39 (5%)
    Post high school training other than college36 (5%)
    Some college145 (18%)
    College graduate252 (32%)
    Postgraduate308 (39%)
Thinking about members of your family living in this household, what is your combined annual income, meaning the total pretax income from all sources earned in the past year?
    $0 to $999920 (3%)
    $10000 to $1499918 (2%)
    $15000 to $1999919 (2%)
    $20000 to $3499934 (4%)
    $35000 to $4999968 (9%)
    $50000 to $74999115 (14%)
    $75000 to $99999116 (15%)
    $100000 to $199999216 (27%)
    $200000 or more127 (16%)
    Omitted64 (8%)
Are you a new patient to family medicine?
    Yes295 (37%)
    No498 (62%)
    Omitted4 (1%)