Table 1.

Characteristics of Study Participants, Stratified by Video Visit Status

Ever had a video visit?
Overall (n = 214)Yes (n = 62)No (n = 152)
Characteristicsn (%)n (%)n (%)p-Value
    Under 6052 (24.3%)22 (35.5%)30 (19.7%)
    60 to 79113 (52.8%)33 (53.2%)80 (52.6%)
    80 or older49 (22.9%)7 (11.3%)42 (27.6%)
    Female142 (66.4%)45 (72.6%)97 (63.8%)0.22
    Other83 (38.8%)27 (43.5%)56 (36.8%)
    Mixed6 (2.8%)2 (3.2%)4 (2.6%)
    Black55 (25.7%)17 (27.4%)38 (25.0%)
    White70 (32.7%)16 (25.8%)54 (35.5%)
    Hispanic/Latino65 (30.4%)24 (38.7%)41 (27.0%)0.090
    Other35 (16.4%)10 (16.1%)25 (16.4%)
    Medicare142 (66.4%)34 (54.8%)108 (71.1%)
    Medicaid37 (17.3%)18 (29.0%)19 (12.5%)
Social risk factors
    Feel lonely34 (15.9%)12 (19.4%)22 (14.5%)0.38
    Has enough food at home197 (92.1%)59 (95.2%)138 (90.8%)0.41
    Has a steady place to live today200 (93.5%)57 (91.9%)143 (94.1%)0.55
    Has help in home with daily activities110 (51.4%)35 (56.5%)75 (49.3%)0.35
Clinical risk factors
    Feel anxious or sad42 (19.6%)12 (19.4%)30 (19.7%)0.95
    Currently has medications that need to be refilled83 (38.8%)24 (38.7%)59 (38.8%)0.99
    Had symptoms unrelated to COVID (during the COVID pandemic since March 2020)102 (47.7%)35 (56.5%)67 (44.1%)0.10
    Number of symptoms unrelated to COVID, median (IQRa)0 (0, 2.0)1.0 (0, 3.0)0 (0, 1.0)0.011
Practice level and health care system related factors
    Type of primary care provider: Attending109 (50.9%)28 (45.2%)81 (53.3%)0.28
    Test/Procedure canceled/rescheduled68 (31.8%)22 (35.5%)46 (30.3%)0.46
    Comforta with in-person health visit, median (IQR)1.0 (1.0, 3.0)1.0 (1.0, 3.0)1.0 (1.0, 4.0)0.47
    Difficulty getting care at our practice (Very/Extremely)36 (16.9%)9 (14.8%)27 (17.8%)0.60
    How well-connected to PCP at WCIMA (Very well/Somewhat)169 (79%)52 (83.9%)117 (77.0%)0.26
    Experienced any barriers to receiving your medications29 (13.6%)3 (4.8%)26 (17.1%)0.017
    Had a contact with a doctor/health care system for non-COVID related symptoms65 (64.4%)28 (80%)37 (56%)0.017
Technology-related factors
    Confidence in installing video software on computer/smart phone<0.001
    Very confident75 (35%)36 (58.1%)39 (25.7%)
    Somewhat confident32 (15%)12 (19.4%)20 (13.2%)
    Not confident/unsure how to install107 (50%)14 (22.6%)93 (61.2%)
  • a A value of 1 indicates “Completely comfortable” and 5 indicates “Completely uncomfortable”.

  • Abbreviations: IQR, Inter-quartile range; PCP, Primary care provider; WCIMA, Weill Cornell Internal Medicine Associates.