Table 2.

Use of Technology and mHealth App to Deliver Behavioral Strategies*

DPPFit ComponentDetailsBehavioral Strategy
Week 1, day 3Cue to action: Use Fitbit® to track DPPFit goal of 150 activity minutes per weekSelf-monitoring of physical activity; cues to action
Week 1, day 7Hyperlink: How to set goals in the Fitbit® application (app)Setting and evaluating goals; self-monitoring of physical activity
Week 2, day 1Hyperlink: How to log and track food in Fitbit® appSelf-monitoring of diet
Week 5, day 6Hyperlink: How to connect with friends in the Fitbit® communitySocial support; cues to action; self-efficacy
Week 5, day 7Hyperlink: How to use Fitbit® to challenge yourself or other to be physical active.Cues to action; accountability; self-efficacy; self-monitoring of physical activity
Week 7, day 4Cue to action: Use Fitbit® app to measure calorie balance.Cues to action; self-monitoring of diet and physical activity
Week 13, day 3Hyperlink: Understanding heart rate tracking and aerobic fitness with Fitbit®.Self-monitoring of physical activity increasing self-efficacy
Week 15, day 6Hyperlink: How to use Fitbit® for guided breathing exercise to relaxProblem-solving; perceived barriers; stress management; self-management strategies for behavioral change
Week 16, day 4Hyperlink: Ways to stay motivated - Fitbit® app competitionsIncreasing self-efficacy; self-management strategies for behavioral change
Using Fitbit® Tracker/AppLearning to use both the device and app to support healthy changes.Increasing self-efficacy; self-management strategies for behavioral change; social support
  • * See Online Appendix for complete content of text messaging templates.