Appendix Table 3.

Baseline Characteristics, Full Sample, and Sensitivity Sample Excluding Complete Discontinuation Patients with No Further Clinic Visit Following Last Opioid Prescription

Full sampleSensitivity sample
n (%) N = 1,789n (%) N = 1,465
    Female1083 (60.5)893 (61.0)
Age, years
    Mean (SD)49.2 (9.2)49.4 (11.9)
    19 to 34163 (9.1)129 (8.8)
    35 to 49593 (33.2)473 (32.3)
    50 to 641033 (57.7)863 (58.9)
    Non-Hispanic White1556 (87.0)1256 (85.7)
    Hispanic, Black, Indigenous, other patients of color, and unknown race/ethnicity233 (13.0)209 (14.3)
Eligible pain diagnoses
    Back pain1183 (66.1)964 (65.8)
    Neck pain223 (12.5)196 (13.4)
    Both383 (21.4)305 (20.8)
Average daily MME
    <20745 (41.6)634 (43.3)
    20 to <50578 (32.3)473 (32.3)
    50 to <90259 (14.5)200 (13.7)
    ≥90207 (11.6)158 (10.8)
Number of visits in the prior year
    Median (IQR)9.0 (6.0, 14.0)9.0 (6.0, 14.0)
    <6422 (23.6)326 (22.3)
    6 to 9523 (29.2)431 (29.4)
    10 to 12305 (17.1)243 (16.6)
    >12539 (30.1)465 (31.7)
Charlson Comorbidity Index*
    0309 (17.3)232 (15.8)
    1 to 2899 (50.3)730 (49.8)
    ≥3581 (32.5)503 (34.3)
N pain clusters (of 8)*
    0338 (18.9)262 (17.9)
    1638 (35.7)531 (36.3)
    ≥2813 (45.4)672 (45.9)
    Alcohol abuse/dependence*164 (9.2)132 (9.0)
    Opioid abuse/dependence*80 (4.5)60 (4.1)
    Other drug abuse/dependence*224 (12.5)195 (13.3)
    Mood disorder* 1098 (61.4)905 (61.8)
  • Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; MME, morphine milligram equivalence; IQR, interquartile range.

  • * Conditions based on active problem list entries at baseline.

  • Pain conditions assessed: (1) limb/extremity pain, joint pain, and arthritic disorders; (2) neuropathic pain conditions; (3) headache; (4) abdominal and bowel pain; (5) urogenital, pelvic, and menstrual pain; (6) musculoskeletal chest pain; (7) systemic disorders or diseases causing pain; (8) orofacial, ear, and temporomandibular disorder pain. See Appendix Table 2 for definitions.

  • Includes depression and anxiety disorders. See Appendix Table 2 for definitions.