Table 3.

Factor Pattern Loadings for Group-Based Medical Mistrust Scale (GBMMS) Items

Scale ItemsEnglish SampleSpanish Sample
Factor Pattern LoadingFactor Pattern Loading
Factor 1Factor 2Factor 1Factor 2
1. Doctors and health care workers sometimes hide information from patients who belong to my ethnic group.0.611−0.1870.594−0.049
2. Doctors have the best interests of people of my ethnic group in mind.−0.1530.525−0.1070.634
3. People of my ethnic group should not confide in doctors and health care workers because it will be used against them.0.8790.1430.748−0.025
4. People of my ethnic group should be suspicious of information from doctors and health care workers.0.8930.0410.767−0.127
5. People of my ethnic group cannot trust doctors and health care workers.0.853−0.0250.8600.071
6. People of my ethnic group should be suspicious of modern medicine.0.8260.0290.8090.052
7. Doctors and health care workers treat people of my ethnic group like ‘‘guinea pigs.’’0.626−0.3050.734−0.141
8. People of my ethnic group receive the same medical care from doctors and health care workers as people from other groups.0.1040.8640.020.820
9. Doctors and health care workers do not take the medical complaints of people of my ethnic group seriously.0.370−0.4860.5510.186
10. People of my ethnic group are treated the same as people of other groups by doctors and health care workers.0.0640.880−0.0250.874
11. In most hospitals, people of different ethnic groups receive the same kind of care.0.0040.8280.0070.796
12. I have personally been treated poorly or unfairly by doctors or health care workers because of my ethnicity.0.355−0.3970.655−0.28
  • Items are reverse coded.

  • Factor loadings above 0.4.