Table 1.

Oncology Provider (ONC) and Primary Care Provider (PCP) Characteristics

Selected CharacteristicsONC (n = 101)PCP (n = 58)p-Value
Provider Discipline (%)0.29
    Other Provider type (ARNP, PA, or RN)26.217.6
Years in practice (%)0.03
    10 to 1918.240
    20 to 2927.318
    30 or more29.930
Practice location (%)0.05
Number of patients seen per week0.03
    25 or fewer30.011.8
    26 to 5023.821.6
    51 to 7523.819.6
    76 to 10015.023.5
    101 or more-7.423.5
Practice size
    Solo practice13.47.80.21
        2 to 5 clinicians28.131.4
        5 to 10 clinicians23.211.8
        >10 clinicians35.349.0
    Practice has electronic billing system (% yes)57.453.70.66
    Practice has electronic health record (% yes)67.857.30.14
    Practice has secure messaging (% yes)47.847.61.0
    Practice has patient registry/tracking available (% yes)35.726.80.22
Practice Referral Processes (%)
    No specific system (handled case-by-case)43.621.60.06
    Protocols and tracking system10.213.7
    Comprehensive, health system-wide referral system15.415.7
    All of the above + dedicated personnel30.849.0
Practice care coordination processes (%)
    No specific system (handled case-by-case)28.635.30.04
    Organized communication approach (e.g., messaging)24.737.3
    Communication approach and dedicated personnel27.37.8
    Comprehensive, health system-wide care coordination19.419.6
Perceived organizational/practice change capacity (%)
    Practice has not tried to implement changes or improvements in care processes3.700.32
    It has been very difficult to implement changes7.411.8
    It has been challenging, but possible to implement changes24.735.3
    Several changes/improvements have been implemented successfully37.025.5
    The organization welcomes change and has a process to implement care improvements27.227.5
  • Abbreviations: ARNP, advanced registered nurse practitioner; PA, physician assistant; RN, registered nurses.