Table 1.

Coding Scheme Used to Indicate Primary Care Intention at Matriculation and Graduation, by Survey Year

CodingYearVariable NameQuestionnaireResponse Number
MSQ PCI = 1 (YES)AllSPEC_PREF“What general specialty are you considering?”FM (180), IM (200), Peds (500)
GQ PCI = 1 (YES)1978 to 1990SPEC_PREF1“If yes, which specialty are you planning?”FM (06), IM (07), Peds (19)
SUB_SPEC_PLAN“Are you planning to become certified in a subspecialty?”No
1991 to 1998SPEC_PREF1“If yes, which specialty are you planning?”FM (06), IM (07), Peds (19)
SPEC_PLAN“Are you planning to become certified in a specialty?”Yes
SUB_SPEC_PLAN“Are you planning to become certified in a subspecialty?”No
1999 to 2004SPEC_PREF1“Which specialty are you planning?”FM (06), IM (07), Peds (19)
SPEC_PLAN“Are you planning to become certified in a specialty?”Yes
2005 to 2010 (2008 was excluded)SPEC_PREF“Are you planning to become certified in a specialty or subspecialty? Choice of specialty/subspecialty”FM (120), IM (140), Peds (320)
SPEC_PLAN“Are you planning to become certified in a specialty?”Yes
  • Abbreviations: MSQ PCI, primary care intention at matriculation; GQ PCI, primary care intention at graduation; FM, Family Medicine; IM, Internal Medicine; Peds, Pediatrics. All other responses that were not indicated in this table were coded as 0.