Table 3.

Odds of Uncontrolled Blood Pressure (≥140/90 mmHg) Among Black/African American Patients on One- and Two-Drug anti-Hypertensive Regimens

One Drug Regimen (n = 1327)Two Drug Regimen (n = 815)
PredictoraOR (95% CI)*P valueaOR (95% CI)*P value
Age0.99 (0.98-1.00)0.030.98 (0.97-1.00)0.03
1-Drug Regimen
    Calcium Channel Blocker1.53 (1.19-1.97)0.001
    ACE/ARB1.70 (1.25-2.33)0.001
2-Drug Regimen
    Thiazide + CCB1.00Referent
    Thiazide + ACE/ARB0.81 (0.59-1.12)0.20
    CCB + ACE/ARB1.12 (0.74-1.68)0.59
    Male0.83 (0.66-1.04)0.100.82 (0.61-1.10)0.18
Insurance Status
    Uninsured1.13 (0.75-1.73)0.550.91 (0.52-1.60)0.75
    Other/Unknown1.89 (0.43-8.37)0.400.54 (0.09-3.34)0.51
No. of PCP Visits
    1 to 21.00Referent1.00Referent
    3 to 40.71 (0.53-0.94)0.020.42 (0.29-0.62)<0.0001
    5 or more visits0.57 (0.43-0.75)<0.00010.48 (0.34-0.67)<0.0001
Clinical Site
    Health System 11.00Referent1.00Referent
    Health System 22.04 (1.56-2.66)<0.00012.31 (1.64-3.25)<0.0001
    Health System 31.59 (1.15-2.20)<0.00011.40 (0.90-2.19)0.13
  • Abbreviations: ACE, Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor; aOR, adjusted odds ratio; ARB, Angiotensin receptor blocker; BAA, Black/African American; CCB, Calcium Channel Blocker; CI, confidence interval; PCP, primary care physician.

  • * Adjusted for all variables included in the table.