Table 1.

Characteristics of Patients, Providers, and Clinics by Receipt of Opioid and Non-opioid Pain Medication Prescriptions within 90 Days After Index Image*

All Patients n (%) N = 238,886Received Immediate Opioid Prescription n (%) N = 70,195 (29)Received Immediate Non-opioid Prescription n (%) N = 84,063 (35)
Patient-Level Characteristics
Age group (years)
    18 to 3943,342 (18)9,679 (22)15,695 (36)
    40 to 6090,027 (38)26,128 (29)35,143 (39)
    >60105,517 (44)34,388 (33)33,225 (31)
    Male101,499 (42)28,956 (29)33,365 (33)
    Female137,387 (58)41,239 (30)50,498 (37)
Modality for index image
    Radiograph192,435 (81)55,466 (29)70,234 (37)
    Computed tomography943 (0.4)412 (44)288 (31)
    Magnetic resonance imaging45,508 (19)14,317 (31)13,541 (30)
    Asian26,508 (11)4,062 (15)7,162 (27)
    Black/African American23,642 (10)7,678 (33)8,416 (36)
    Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders1,614 (0.7)389 (24)583 (36)
    Native American/Alaska Native1,686 (0.7)610 (36)708 (42)
    Multiracial1,005 (0.4)296 (29)376 (37)
    White184,431 (77)57,728 (31)66,818 (36)
    Hispanic36,229 (15)9,342 (26)13,702 (38)
    Not Hispanic202,657 (85)60,853 (30)70,361 (35)
Socioeconomic status quartile
    1st15,824 (7)5,446 (34)6,333 (40)
    2nd31,213 (13)10,574 (34)12,215 (39)
    3rd57,564 (24)18,808 (33)21,879 (38)
    4th134,285 (56)35,367 (26)43,636 (33)
Insurance status
    Medicare90,841 (38)31,951 (35)29,103 (32)
    Medicaid/state-subsidized12,056 (5)4,230 (35)5,388 (45)
    Commercial (including Medicare supplements)131,743 (55)32,693 (25)47,911 (36)
Veterans Administration248 (0.1)60 (24)84 (34)
    Self-pay1,301 (0.5)490 (38)596 (46)
    Unknown/missing2,697 (1)771 (29)981 (36)
Charlson comorbidity index
    0153,079 (64)38,227 (25)53,108 (35)
    141,868 (18)14,449 (35)15,868 (38)
    223,211 (10)8,214 (35)7,828 (34)
    3+20,728 (9)9,305 (45)7,259 (35)
Prescription for opioid in 120 days before index:
    Yes61,531 (26)38,581 (63)35,397 (52)
    No177,355 (74)31,614 (18)48,666 (29)
Image finding status
    None55,546 (23)13,327 (24)20,627 (37)
    Clinically unimportant finding149,192 (62)45,558 (31)53,206 (36)
    Clinically important finding34,148 (14)11,310 (33)10,230 (30)
Time of index image
    Oct 2013 to Mar 201448,233 (20)16,087 (33)16,909 (35)
    Apr 2014 to Sept 201430,529 (13)9,952 (33)10,833 (35)
    Oct 2014 to Mar 201539,424 (17)11,730 (30)14,204 (36)
    Apr 2015 to Sept 201541,796 (18)11,959 (29)14,816 (35)
    Oct 2015 to Mar 201639,177 (16)10,526 (27)13,726 (35)
    Apr 2016 to Sept 201639,727 (17)9,941 (25)13,575 (34)
Image Ordering Provider-Level Characteristics
    Provider mean age (IQR)49.3 (43 to 55)49.6 (43 to 56)49.0 (43 to 55)
Provider type
    Doctor Osteopathy17,288 (7)5,167 (30)6,542 (38)
    Medical Doctor213,524 (89)62,250 (29)74,170 (35)
    Physician Assistant/Nurse Practitioner8,074 (3)2,778 (34)3,351 (42)
Provider sex
    Female125,520 (53)35,315 (28)44,206 (35)
    Male113,366 (47)34,880 (31)39,857 (35)
Provider specialty
    Family medicine117,072 (49)36,042 (31)44,100 (38)
    Internal medicine119,842 (50)33,602 (28)39,278 (33)
    Other1972 (0.8)551 (28)685 (35)
Imaging Clinic-Level Characteristics
Rural-urban commuting area type
    Urban231,352 (97)67,391 (29)81,184 (35)
    Large rural4,106 (1.7)1,436 (35)1,569 (38)
    Small rural3,043 (1.3)1,247 (41)1,215 (40)
    Isolated small rural385 (0.2)121 (31)95 (25)
    Clinic size
    Small48,053 (20)14,044 (29)15,725 (33)
    Medium74,035 (31)22,315 (30)25,014 (34)
    Large116,798 (49)33,836 (29)43,324 (37)
  • IQR, Interquartile range.

  • * Note that 36,119 patients (15% of the total) received prescriptions for both opioid and non-opioid pain medications within 90 days and are therefore represented in multiple columns; similarly, n = 120,747 received neither immediate opioid nor non-opioid pain prescriptions.

  • Percentages presented in columns.

  • Percentages presented in rows.