Table 4.

Identified Target Areas for Facilitation of Informed Decision-Making

Lack of knowledgeA man not possessing sufficient information about prostate cancer screening to make an informed decision.“Can't make an informed decision if you are not informed. That's the bottom line.” (FG4)
“And I've been to a bunch of doctors over the years, well, especially over the past 10 years. You know, and, not once has anyone ever brought up prostate health or screening.” (FG4)
Key take-aways from education session*The concepts that men felt were most important or surprising after observing a short presentation on prostate cancer screening in Black men“I didn't know prostate is this deep! I though we was gonna talk about the screening and the enlargement and that, but you talk about erection and leakin' and diaper and…perspective [of] loved ones.” (FG3)
“You can live and be unhappy [due to erectile dysfunction from treatment], or you can choose [not to be screened for prostate cancer]. Just a choice you have to make. With what counts most to you.” (FG2)
Areas of confusion*Misstatements by men regarding prostate cancer screening“And I walked in here basically thinking I knew pretty much everything there was. But come to find out, I skipped a test that I didn't know about and I could be taking these colonoscopies for years and still turn up with prostate cancer.” (FG4)
“I heard you, uh, have to take… have to drink something the night before. And then they put you under and screen by going up in there, right? Some kind of way. Get some kind of sample or whatever.” (FG2)
  • FG, focus group.

  • * Indicates code that was added during the iterative codebook review process.