Table 3.

Associations Between Action Plan Quality and Patient Characteristics. Analyzed Using Generalized Linear Mixed Models With Random Effect for Clinic, Adjusting for Intervention Arm

CharacteristicNßSE95% CIP Value
Age, years715−0.0060.012−0.029 to 0.016.597
Sex725−0.1870.308−0.790 to 0.416.543
Education (binary)725−0.2580.336−0.916 to 0.401.444
Race (compared to Latinx)1
    Non-Latinx white725−0.1270.669−1.437 to 1.184.850
    Black or African American7250.1910.765−1.308 to 1.689.803
    Asian725−0.2750.577−1.407 to 0.856.634
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander725−1.8890.993−3.834 to 0.056.057
    Native American or Alaska Native725−0.9800.936−2.815 to 0.854.295
    Multi-racial725−1.5310.764−3.028 to -0.035.045
Language7250.0060.442−0.859 to 0.871.990
Health literacy (Confidence in filling out medical forms? compared to “Not at all confident”)
    “Extremely confident7241.1840.4380.326 to 2.041.007
    “Quite confident”7241.0160.4290.176 to 1.856.018
    “Somewhat confident”7241.0050.4670.090 to 1.920.031
    “A little bit confident”7241.1150.4640.205 to 2.025.016
Depression (PHQ-8 score)724−0.0290.024−0.077 to 0.018.225
Health distress (binary)721−0.2260.275−0.766 to 0.313.411
General life stress7230.2080.266−0.313 to 0.613.434
Social risks (≥ 1)7250.4160.1810.062 to 0.770.021
    Food insecurity7230.4240.2660.096 to 0.945.110
    Inability to pay bills7230.3520.212−0.063 to 0.767.096
    Lack of transportation7230.3510.567−0.759 to 1.462.535
    Unstable housing7230.6510.385−0.139 to 1.368.110
    Physical abuse7252.3020.9870.367 to 5.439.020
    Unsafe at home725−0.2960.638−1.545 to 0.953.642
  • CI, confidence interval; PHQ-8, Patient Health Questionnaire-8.