Table 1.

Patient Characteristics

CharacteristicNn (%)Mean ± SD
Age, years71555.6 ±12.0
Sex (% female)725433 (59.7)
    Less than high school297 (41.0)
    High school or higher428 (59.0)
Race and ethnicity1*725
    Latinx511 (70.5)
    Non-Latinx white64 (8.8)
    Black or African American55 (7.6)
    Asian43 (5.9)
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander12 (1.7)
    Native American or Alaska Native4 (0.4)
    Multi-racial36 (5.0)
Primary language (% Spanish, remaining English)725409 (56.4)
Health literacy (confidence in filling out medical forms?) *724
    Not at all confident109 (15.1)
    A little bit99 (13.7)
    Somewhat135 (18.6)
    Quite a lot146 (20.2)
    Extremely confident235 (32.5)
    PHQ-8 score7243.23 ± 5.76
    Elevated depression symptoms (PHQ-8 ≥ 10)711112 (15.8)
Health distress*721452 (62.7)
General life stress*723342 (47.3)
Social risks (≥ 1)725336 (46.3)
    Food insecurity723144 (19.9)
    Inability to pay bills723196 (27.1)
    Difficulty with transportation to medical appointments723100 (13.8)
    Unstable housing72374 (10.2)
    Physical abuse in the last year72524 (3.3)
    Feel unsafe where living*72580 (11.0)
  • SD, standard deviation; PHQ-8, Patient Health Questionnaire-8.

  • * These are significantly different in the two intervention arms: Connection to Health (CTH) and Enhanced Engagement-CTH (EE-CTH) at a significance of P < .05).