Table 1.

Demographic Descriptors of the Population Groups

Type 2 Diabetes (D)SARS-CoV-2 Hospitalized (H)Respiratory Illness (R)P Value
n = 50n = 41n = 41
Age (years), mean, SD61.1712.61*58.4910.9350.5019.65*<0.05
Race (n, %)
    Other (Hispanic, Asian, Alaska Native, American Indian, MENA, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, multirace)510.0512.824.9
Gender (n, %)<0.05
Partner status (n, %)NS
Occupation (n, %)NS
Income (n, %)
    Under $10K48.537.937.3NS
Education (n, %)NS
    High school or less918.037.5614.6
    Some college1632.01537.51126.8
    Completed college1122.01332.51536.6
Insurance (n, %)NS
    Federal (Medicaid, Medicare, tribal)2040.01639.02048.8
Length of time with PCP (n, %)NS
    3 or fewer years1836.01537.51434.2
    More than 3 years3264.02562.52765.9
Number in household (n, %)NS
    2 or fewer persons3366.02666.72255.0
    More than 2 persons1734.01333.31845.0
    Tobacco use (n, %)NS
  • * Significant two-way comparisons by post hoc testing.

  • NS, not significant; PCP, primary care physician; SD, standard deviation.