Table 1.

Descriptive Statistics for Demographic and Mental Health Variables in Veteran Primary Care Patient Sample

VariableWomen (n = 151) n (%)Men (n = 97) n (%)Total Sample (n = 248) n (%)P Value
    18 to 44 years old65 (43.1)22 (22.7)87 (35.1)
    45 to 64 years old73 (48.3)50 (51.6)123 (49.6)
    65 years and older13 (8.6)25 (25.8)38 (15.3)
    White129 (85.4)86 (88.7)215 (86.7)0.27
    Black or African American10 (6.6)8 (8.3)18 (7.3)
    Other12 (8.0)3 (3.1)15 (6.1)
Hispanic or Latino ethnicity*10 (6.6)3 (3.1)13 (5.2)0.25
Relationship status0.79
    Currently married and living together119 (78.8)72 (74.2)191 (77.0)
    Currently dating and living together18 (11.9)15 (15.5)33 (13.3)
    Other14 (9.3)10 (10.3)24 (9.7)
Sexual orientation<0.001
    Heterosexual120 (79.5)94 (96.9)214 (86.3)
    Other31 (20.5)3 (3.1)34 (13.7)
Highest level of education completed0.002
    Less than high school0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)
    High school or GED10 (6.6)23 (23.7)33 (13.3)
    Some college82 (54.3)45 (46.4)127 (51.2)
    4-year college degree37 (24.5)20 (20.6)57 (23.0)
    Master's degree or higher22 (14.6)9 (9.3)31 (12.5)
Annual household income0.92
    Less than $20,0009 (6.0)8 (8.3)17 (6.9)
    $20,000 to $39,99924 (15.9)13 (13.4)37 (14.9)
    $40,000 to $59,99930 (19.9)19 (19.6)49 (19.8)
    $60,000 to $79,99934 (22.5)26 (26.8)60 (24.2)
    $80,000 to $99,99923 (15.2)14 (14.4)37 (14.9)
    More than $100,00031 (20.5)17 (17.5)48 (19.4)
Military combat exposure31 (20.5)51 (52.6)82 (33.1)<0.001
Probable MDD (PHQ-9)33 (21.9)25 (25.8)58 (23.4)0.48
Probable PTSD (PCL-5)47 (31.1)28 (28.9)75 (30.2)0.71
Hazardous alcohol use (AUDIT)33 (21.9)14 (14.4)47 (19.0)0.15
Relationship dissatisfaction (CSI-4)69 (45.7)41 (42.3)110 (44.4)0.60
  • AUDIT, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test; CSI-4, Couples Satisfaction Index; GED, general equivalency diploma; MDD, major depressive disorder; PCL-5, PTSD Checklist for DSM-5; PHQ-9, Patient Health Questionnaire-9; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder.

  • Data were collected via a mailed survey in August–September 2019.

  • * Proportion who reported Hispanic or Latino ethnicity out of full sample; responses were missing for 38 participants.

  • Includes participants who were currently married and living apart, currently dating and living separately, currently dating but not in a committed relationship, divorced, widowed, and single, never married and not dating anyone.

  • Includes 2 men and 5 women who identified as sexually attracted equally to males and females, 5 women who identified as sexually attracted only to females, 21 women who identified as sexually attracted primarily to males, and 1 man who identified as sexually attracted only to males.