Table 1.

Association between Patient Characteristics and Colorectal Cancer Screening Up-to-Datedness.*

CharacteristicNumber of Patients Up to Date (n = 618)Number of Patients Not Up to Date (n = 341)P Value
Female391 (63.3%)201 (58.9%).19
Age61.7 (5.7)60.8 (5.8).02
    Asian7 (1.1%)5 (1.5%)
    Black205 (33.4%)89 (26.6%)
    White397 (64.8%)239 (71.3%)
    Other4 (0.7%)2 (0.6%)
Hispanic12 (2.0%)10 (3.0%).32
    Commercial229 (37.1%)127 (37.2%)
    Medicaid73 (11.8%)52 (15.3%)
    Medicare257 (41.6%)123 (36.1%)
    Uninsured59 (9.5%)39 (11.4%)
Occupational status.50
    Employed241 (39.6%)140 (41.4%)
    Unemployed33 (5.4%)18 (5.3%)
    Homemaker12 (2.0%)7 (2.1%)
    Student1 (0.2%)1 (0.3%)
    Retired214 (35.1%)99 (29.3%)
    Disabled108 (17.7%)73 (21.6%)
Marital status.62
    Married316 (51.9%)164 (48.8%)
    Living as married20 (3.3%)10 (3.0%)
    Divorced134 (22.0%)77 (22.9%)
    Widowed46 (7.5%)31 (9.2%)
    Separated19 (3.1%)6 (1.8%)
    Single, never been married74 (12.2%)48 (14.3%)
    Less than 8th grade22 (3.6%)13 (3.9%)
    Completed some high school43 (7.1%)23 (6.9%)
    High school graduate/GED§143 (23.5%)87 (26.2%)
    Some college166 (27.3%)92 (27.7%)
    College degree or higher234 (38.5%)117 (35.2%)
Quality of life.71
    Excellent41 (6.7%)18 (5.4%)
    Very good180 (29.3%)99 (29.5%)
    Good250 (40.7%)138 (41.1%)
    Fair122 (19.9%)64 (19.0%)
    Poor21 (3.4%)17 (5.0%)
Duration of patient-clinician relationship.02
    Less than 6 months41 (6.7%)36 (10.6%)
    6 months to a year43 (7.0%)31 (9.1%)
    1 to 3 years132 (21.4%)84 (24.6%)
    3 to 5 years110 (17.9%)66 (19.3%)
    5 or more years289 (47.0%)124 (36.4%)
  • * 959 patients eligible for cancer screening from 20 community health centers completed the survey.

  • Percentages report the characteristics of those who are (or are not) up to date for each category.

  • Indicates Fisher's exact test used in place of χ2 test.

  • § GED, General Educational Development.

  • Bolded p values are statistically significant.