Table 3.

Primary and Secondary Outcomes by Group*

VariablePre-Intervention (n = 795)Post-Intervention (n = 776)p-Value
IOM counseling<0.01
 No89.9 (715)37.2 (289)
 Yes10.1 (80)62.8 (487)
Total weight gain (lb)28.3 (13.9)25.9 (13.7).61
IOM weight gain (lb).10
 Low22.01 (175)25.77 (200)
 Recommended31.57 (251)32.73 (254)
 High46.42 (369)41.49 (322)
Gestational age (weeks).13
 <374.7 (37)2.8 (22)
>37 and <4185.7 (681)86.2 (667)
>419.7 (77)11.0 (85)
Birthweight (g).68
 <25002.6 (21)2.2 (17)
 2500 to 400089.3 (709)90.6 (703)
 >40008.1 (64)7.2 (56)
Route of delivery.39
 Spontaneous vaginal76.9 (611)77.8 (601)
 Assisted vaginal4.8 (38)4.1 (32)
 Primary cesarean11.8 (94)10.0 (77)
 Repeat cesarean6.5 (52)8.1 (63)
 No92.2 (733)91.5 (710)
 Yes7.8 (62)8.5 (66)
Gestational diabetes<.01
 No88.5 (530)92.7 (719)
 Yes11.5 (69)§7.3 (57)
Shoulder dystocia.01
 No94.4 (607)97.2 (617)
 Yes5.6 (26)2.8 (18)
 Sensitivity analysis, yes3.1 (19)2.4 (16).22
  • IOM, Institute of Medicine.

  • * Values are presented as % (N) for categorical and mean (SD) for continuous.

  • From Student’s t test.

  • From Pearson’s χ2 test of proportions.

  • § Missing values from one site (69/599 = 11.5%).

  • If exclude site missing pre-data, post-intervention gestational Diabetes = 7.6%. No significant difference.

  • Omitting site that changed diagnostic criteria between pre- and postintervention time period.