Table 3.

Emergency Department Encounters, In-Patient Stays, Out-Patient Visits, Emergency Department Reliance and Co-Management for North Carolina Medicaid Enrolled 12 Months and Age 1 to 65+ (Sample = 2045)

AgeTotal ED EncountersWithin 7-day Re-EncountersWithin 14-day Re-EncountersWithin 30-day Re-Encounters
Participants, n (%)Encounters, n (mean)Median (IQR)Participants, n (%)Encounters, n (mean)Median (IQR)Participants, n (%)Encounters, n (mean)Median (IQR)Participants, n (%)Encounters, n (mean)Median (IQR)
1 to 9 (n = 499)348 (69.74)930 (1.86)1 (0, 3)75 (15.03)102 (0.20)0 (0, 0)96 (19.24)146 (0.29)0 (0, 0)114 (22.85)220 (0.44)0 (0, 0)
10 to 17 (n = 436)268 (61.47)643 (1.47)1 (0, 2)47 (10.78)61 (0.14)0 (0, 0)60 (13.76)84 (0.19)0 (0, 0)74 (16.97)128 (0.29)0 (0, 0)
18 to 30 (n = 537)423 (78.77)2801 (5.22)2 (1, 6)166 (30.91)934 (1.74)0 (0, 1)189 (35.20)1253 (2.33)0 (0, 1)229 (42.64)1663 (3.10)0 (0, 2)
31 to 45 (n = 347)258 (74.35)1804 (5.20)2 (0, 4)84 (20.49)703 (2.03)0 (0, 0)105 (30.36)914 (2.63)0 (0, 1)125 (36.02)1176 (3.39)0 (0, 2)
46 to 64 (n = 194)132 (68.04)607 (3.13)1 (0, 4)37 (19.07)148 (0.76)0 (0, 0)44 (22.68)209 (1.08)0 (0, 0)55 (28.35)297 (1.53)0 (0, 1)
65+ (n = 32)22 (68.75)49 (1.53)1 (0, 2)1 (3.13)1 (0.03)0 (0, 0)2 (6.25)2 (0.06)0 (0, 0)6 (18.75)9 (0.28)0 (0, 0)
All (n = 2045)1451 (70.95)6834 (3.34)1 (0, 4)410 (20.05)1949 (0.94)0 (0, 0)496 (24.25)2608 (1.28)0 (0, 0)603 (29.49)3493 (1.71)0 (0, 1)
AgeTotal IP HospitalizationsWithin 7-Day RehospitalizationWithin 14-Day RehospitalizationWithin 30-Day Rehospitalization
Participants, n (%)Stays, n (mean)Median (IQR)Participants, n (%)Stays, n (mean)Median (IQR)Participants, n (%)Stays, n (mean)Median (IQR)Participants, n (%)Stays, n (mean)Median (IQR)
1 to 9 (n = 499)176 (35.27)312 (0.63)0 (0, 1)13 (2.61)13 (0.03)0 (0, 0)16 (3.21)20 (0.04)0 (0, 0)26 (5.21)43 (0.09)0 (0, 0)
10 to 17 (n = 436)133 (30.50)324 (0.74)0 (0, 1)10 (2.29)10 (0.02)0 (0, 0)20 (4.59)25 (0.06)0 (0, 0)30 (6.88)56 (0.13)0 (0, 0)
18 to 30 (n = 537)318 (59.22)1211 (2.26)1 (0, 2)45 (8.38)84 (0.16)0 (0, 0)73 (13.59)234 (0.44)0 (0, 0)100 (18.62)479 (0.89)0 (0, 0)
31 to 45 (n = 347)184 (53.03)618 (1.78)1 (0, 2)22 (6.34)34 (0.10)0 (0, 0)32 (9.22)81 (0.23)0 (0, 0)46 (13.26)208 (0.60)0 (0, 0)
46 to 64 (n = 194)88 (45.36)225 (1.16)0 (0, 1)4 (2.06)7 (0.04)0 (0, 0)9 (4.64)22 (0.11)0 (0, 0)17 (8.76)55 (0.28)0 (0, 0)
65+ (n = 32)17 (53.13)19 (0.59)1 (0, 1)0 (0)0 (0)0 (0, 0)0 (0)0 (0)0 (0, 0)0 (0)0 (0)0 (0, 0)
All (n = 2045)916 (44.79)2709 (1.32)0 (0, 1)94 (4.60)148 (0.07)0 (0, 0)150 (7.33)382 (0.19)0 (0, 0)219 (10.71)841 (0.41)0 (0, 0)
AgeTotal Outpatient VisitsPCP VisitsHematology Specialty VisitsNon-Hematology Specialty Visits
Participants, n (%)Visits, n (mean)Median (IQR)Participants, n (%)Visits, n (mean)Median (IQR)Participants, n (%)Visits, n (mean)Median (IQR)Participants, n (%)Visits, n (mean)Median (IQR)
1 to 9 (n = 499)486 (97.39)4044 (8.10)6 (4, 11)437 (87.58)1853 (3.71)3 (1, 5)257 (51.50)761 (1.53)1 (0, 2)345 (69.14)1430 (2.87)2 (0, 4)
10 to 17 (n = 436)410 (94.04)3299 (7.57)5 (3, 9)344 (78.90)1101 (2.53)2 (1, 3)209 (47.94)667 (1.53)0 (0, 2)329 (75.46)1531 (3.51)2 (1, 4)
18 to 30 (n = 537)482 (89.76)4174 (7.77)6 (2, 11)332 (61.82)1226 (2.28)1 (0, 3)214 (39.85)668 (1.24)0 (0, 2)406 (75.61)2280 (4.25)2 (1, 6)
31 to 45 (n = 347)319 (91.93)3708 (10.69)8 (4, 16)254 (73.20)1214 (3.50)2 (0, 5)134 (38.62)459 (1.32)0 (0, 1)271 (78.10)2035 (5.86)3 (1, 8)
46 to 64 (n = 194)180 (92.78)2286 (11.78)9 (4, 17)140 (72.16)716 (3.69)2 (0, 5)72 (37.11)222 (1.14)0 (0, 1)162 (83.51)1348 (6.95)4 (2, 10)
65+ (n = 32)30 (93.75)359 (11.22)9 (4.5,14)26 (81.25)141 (4.41)4 (1.5, 6)6 (18.75)15 (0.47)0 (0, 0)27 (84.38)203 (6.34)4.5 (1, 8)
All (n = 2045)1907 (93.25)17870 (8.74)7 (3, 12)1533 (74.96)6251 (3.06)2 (0, 4)892 (43.62)2792 (1.37)0 (0, 2)1540 (75.31)8827 (4.32)2 (1, 6)
AgeED Reliance ScoreCo-management
% of Sample with EDR ≥ 0.33Mean (SD)n (Row %)
1 to 9 (n = 499)21.840.19 (0.21)224 (44.88)
10 to 17 (n = 436)23.170.19 (0.24)171 (39.22)
18 to 30 (n = 537)44.690.35 (0.31)153 (28.49)
31 to 45 (n = 347)34.010.27 (0.28)105 (30.26)
46 to 64 (n = 194)24.230.20 (0.25)53 (27.32)
65+ (n = 32)12.500.14 (0.20)6 (18.75)
All (n = 2045)30.270.25 (0.27)712 (34.82)
  • ED, emergency department, EDR, emergency department reliance; PCP, primary care physician; IQR, interquartile ranges; IP, In-Patient; SD, standard deviation.