
Survey Questions

Survey InstrumentQuestions
Shared Decision Making Process ScaleHow much did you and the health care provider discuss with you the reasons to [continue taking/take] antidepressant medication?
o A lot
o Some
o A little
o Not at all
Shared Decision Making Process ScaleHow much did you and the health care provider discuss with you the reasons not to [continue taking/take] antidepressant medication?
o A lot
o Some
o A little
o Not at all
Shared Decision Making Process ScaleDid the health care provider explain there were choices in what you could do to treat your depression?
o Yes
o No
Shared Decision Making Process ScaleDid the health care provider ask you whether or not you wanted to [continue taking/take] antidepressant medication at the time?
o Yes
o No
KnowledgeOut of 100 people who have been told they have mild to moderate depression and who do not do anything to treat it, about how many will feel better within a year?
Range 0–100
Correct answer39: Between 25 to 49
KnowledgeIf a person starts feeling better after taking antidepressant medicine, when should he or she talk with the doctor about stopping the medicine?
o As soon as the person feels better
o 6 to 12 months after feeling better
o A person should never stop taking the medication
Correct answer10,40: 6 to 12 months after feeling better
KnowledgeFor most people who have been told they have mild to moderate depression, which treatment is more effective?
o Antidepressant medication
o Depression counseling or therapy
o There is little or no difference
Correct answer10,40,41: There is little or no difference
KnowledgeFor most people who have been told they have severe depression, which treatment is more effective?
o Antidepressant medication
o Depression counseling or therapy
o A combination of medication and counseling or therapy
Correct answer 10,42,43: A combination of medication and counseling or therapy
KnowledgeHow long does a person usually need to get depression counseling to reduce symptoms of depression?
o Less than 6 months
o 6 to 12 months
o 1 to 2 years
o More than 2 years
Correct answer:40,44 Less than 6 months
Who made the decision?Who made the final decision whether or not to [take/continue taking] antidepressant medicine?
o Mainly my decision
o Mainly the health care [providers'/provider's] decision
o We made the decision together
Make the same decision again?If you knew then what you know now, do you think you would make the same decision about antidepressant medicine?
o Definitely yes
o Probably yes
o Probably no
o Definitely no