Table 3.

Percent of Family Physicians Prescribing Buprenorphine by Primary Practice Site Size and Rural/Urban Status in 2017 and 2018

Site sizeRural, N (%)Urban, N (%)Total, N (%)
Solo practice (n = 306)7 (17.1)21 (7.9)28 (9.2)
2 to 5 providers (n = 938)6 (3.3)45 (6.0)51 (5.4)
6 to 20 providers (n = 838)9 (6.4)33 (4.7)42 (5.0)
>20 providers (n = 644)4 (9.8)36 (6.0)40 (6.2)
  • Number and percent represent the percentage of family physicians in each size of practice who prescribe buprenorphine.