Table 1.

Resources for Learning to Prescribe Buprenorphine

DEA-X DATA Waiver Training courses to complete the requirements to be able to prescribe buprenorphine.
ASAM Fundamentals of Addiction Medicine 40 Hour CME Course program aimed at primary care and other clinicians to empower them to identify, treat, and/or refer patients at risk for or with addiction.
Fundamentals of Addiction Medicine ECHO Series 16-week video conference series for clinicians that addresses topics in the field of addiction medicine and reviews patient cases.
Integrating Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care developed by a multi-university collaborative to provide resources and support for clinicians starting an outpatient buprenorphine treatment program.
Project SHOUT (Support for Hospital Opioid Use Disorder Treatment), toolkits, and webinars to support clinicians treating substance use disorders (in particular OUD) in hospitalized adults.
  • ASAM, American Society of Addiction Medicine; CME, Continuing Medical Education; DATA, Drug Addiction Treatment Act; DEA, Drug Enforcement Association; ECHO, Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes; OUD, Opioid Use Disorder; SHOUT, Support for Hospital Opioid Use Disorder Treatment.

  • From: Bositis, CM, St. Louis, J. HIV and substance use disorder: role of the HIV physician. Infect Dis Clin N Am 2019;33:835-55.