Resource | Location | Description |
DEA-X DATA Waiver Training | | Free courses to complete the requirements to be able to prescribe buprenorphine. |
ASAM Fundamentals of Addiction Medicine 40 Hour CME Course | | Online program aimed at primary care and other clinicians to empower them to identify, treat, and/or refer patients at risk for or with addiction. |
Fundamentals of Addiction Medicine ECHO Series | | Interactive 16-week video conference series for clinicians that addresses topics in the field of addiction medicine and reviews patient cases. |
Integrating Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care | | Toolkit developed by a multi-university collaborative to provide resources and support for clinicians starting an outpatient buprenorphine treatment program. |
Project SHOUT (Support for Hospital Opioid Use Disorder Treatment) | | Guidelines, toolkits, and webinars to support clinicians treating substance use disorders (in particular OUD) in hospitalized adults. |
ASAM, American Society of Addiction Medicine; CME, Continuing Medical Education; DATA, Drug Addiction Treatment Act; DEA, Drug Enforcement Association; ECHO, Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes; OUD, Opioid Use Disorder; SHOUT, Support for Hospital Opioid Use Disorder Treatment.
From: Bositis, CM, St. Louis, J. HIV and substance use disorder: role of the HIV physician. Infect Dis Clin N Am 2019;33:835-55.