Table 1.

Demographics and Housing Status

VariableResponse, % (n = 31)
Age, years
    21 to 296.4
    30 to 3935.5
    40 to 4932.3
    50 to 5916.1
    60 to 699.7
How to you identify?
    Prefer not to answer3.3
What community do you live in?
Are you First Nations, Inuit or Metis?
    No answer3.2
Highest level of education achieved
     <8th grade9.7
    Some high school32.3
    High school diploma16.1
    Some college/university19.4
    College/university degree32.3
Current sources of income
    Full-time employment6.5
    Part-time employment25.8
    Seasonal employment0.0
    Informal employment (side jobs, etc)0.0
    Investment income0.0
    Ontario works32.2
    Employment insurance0.0
    Canada pension plan3.2
    Guaranteed income supplement3.2
    Old age security3.2
    Other (Comments include child tax benefit, contract position, self-employed and bottle collecting)12.9
No answer3.2
How many times have you been homeless in the past?
    Three times17.3
    Four times6.9
    Five times6.9
    More than 5 times17.3
    Not sure13.8
    No answer9.7
How long has it been since you had a permanent place to stay?
    No answer (Max time reported homeless was 7 years)38.7
What is preventing you from having permanent housing now?
    Not enough income29.0
    Rents too high25.8
    Family/relationships conflict/breakdown12.9
    Mental health problems9.7
    Physical health problems or disability9.7
    I don't want housing3.2
    Other (Comments include not enough housing in the community; bad credit; utilities cost too much; poor housing conditions; reference/background checks preclude housing)
    No answer25.8
Are you currently on a housing waitlist?
    I don't know6.4
    No answer16.1
Where will you be sleeping tonight?
    Own home/apartment48.4
    Family/friend's home16.1
    I don't know9.7
Is this your first time being homeless?
    Not applicable (ie, not currently homeless)35.5
    No answer9.7
  • Some responses may not add up to 100% due to multiple responses.

  • ODSP, Ontario Disability Support Program.