Variable | Response, % (n = 31) |
Age, years | |
<21 | 0.00 |
21 to 29 | 6.4 |
30 to 39 | 35.5 |
40 to 49 | 32.3 |
50 to 59 | 16.1 |
60 to 69 | 9.7 |
70+ | 0.00 |
How to you identify? | |
Male | 58.0 |
Female | 38.7 |
Transgender | 0.0 |
Prefer not to answer | 3.3 |
What community do you live in? | |
Urban | 93.6 |
Rural | 3.2 |
Semi-rural | 3.2 |
Are you First Nations, Inuit or Metis? | |
Yes | 12.9 |
No | 83.9 |
No answer | 3.2 |
Highest level of education achieved | |
<8th grade | 9.7 |
Some high school | 32.3 |
High school diploma | 16.1 |
Some college/university | 19.4 |
College/university degree | 32.3 |
Current sources of income | |
Full-time employment | 6.5 |
Part-time employment | 25.8 |
Seasonal employment | 0.0 |
Informal employment (side jobs, etc) | 0.0 |
ODSP | 48.4 |
Panhandling | 0.0 |
Investment income | 0.0 |
Ontario works | 32.2 |
Employment insurance | 0.0 |
Canada pension plan | 3.2 |
Guaranteed income supplement | 3.2 |
Old age security | 3.2 |
Other (Comments include child tax benefit, contract position, self-employed and bottle collecting) | 12.9 |
No answer | 3.2 |
How many times have you been homeless in the past? | |
Once | 31.1 |
Twice | 24.2 |
Three times | 17.3 |
Four times | 6.9 |
Five times | 6.9 |
More than 5 times | 17.3 |
Not sure | 13.8 |
No answer | 9.7 |
How long has it been since you had a permanent place to stay? | |
Days | 22.6 |
Weeks | 3.2 |
Months | 9.7 |
Years | 29.0 |
No answer (Max time reported homeless was 7 years) | 38.7 |
What is preventing you from having permanent housing now? | |
Unemployed | 6.5 |
Not enough income | 29.0 |
Rents too high | 25.8 |
Family/relationships conflict/breakdown | 12.9 |
Eviction | 12.9 |
Mental health problems | 9.7 |
Physical health problems or disability | 9.7 |
I don't want housing | 3.2 |
Other (Comments include not enough housing in the community; bad credit; utilities cost too much; poor housing conditions; reference/background checks preclude housing) | |
No answer | 25.8 |
Are you currently on a housing waitlist? | |
Yes | 26.5 |
No | 58.1 |
I don't know | 6.4 |
No answer | 16.1 |
Where will you be sleeping tonight? | |
Own home/apartment | 48.4 |
Family/friend's home | 16.1 |
Shelter | 13.1 |
Vehicle | 0.0 |
Outside | 9.7 |
I don't know | 9.7 |
Is this your first time being homeless? | |
Yes | 19.4 |
No | 38.7 |
Not applicable (ie, not currently homeless) | 35.5 |
No answer | 9.7 |
Some responses may not add up to 100% due to multiple responses.
ODSP, Ontario Disability Support Program.