Index Item-Total Statistics

Question in 2015 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians in 10 Nations used to create the index of APCP/PCMHScale Mean if Item DeletedScale Variance if Item DeletedCorrected Item-Total CorrelationCronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
q3 - Your rating of changes in quality of medical care patients receive compared to 3 years previously?23.4158.0590.2300.879
q8 - Does your practice have an arrangement where patients can see a Dr or nurse if needed when the practice is closed, without going to hospital or ED?23.2757.9520.2120.879
q9 - Do you/other personnel that work in the practice provide care in any of the following:
q9b - Coordinate f/u care with hospitals?22.8058.1640.2840.878
q9d - Coordinate care with social services or other community providers?22.7758.6270.2250.878
q11. - How prepared is your practice to manage care for the following patients:
q11a - Chronic illness?22.9157.4110.3330.877
q11b - Mental health problems?23.5158.3520.2290.878
q11c - Substance use issues?23.5158.2420.2550.878
q11d - In need of palliative care?23.3156.8370.3740.876
q11e - In need of Long Term Care?23.2556.5550.4010.876
q11f - With community needs?23.3757.1490.3490.877
q11g - Needing language translation?23.3257.7050.2540.878
q11h - With dementia?23.2956.8760.3630.876
q12 - Does your practice use personnel to monitor and manage care for patients with chronic conditions that need regular follow up care?23.0156.4870.4280.875
q13 - Are pts with chronic conditions given written instructions about how to manage their own care at home?22.7758.1770.3240.877
q14 - For patients with chronic conditions are their self management goals recorded in their med record??22.8757.8700.2850.878
q15a - A report back with all relevant health info?22.9157.5240.3160.877
q15b - Info about changes specialist has made to med or care plan?22.9557.2320.3440.877
q15c - Info that is timely and available when needed?23.0357.3630.2990.878
q 16. - When your patient goes to the ED or is admitted to the hospital how often do you receive:
q16a - Notification seen in ED or admitted to hospital?22.9557.0840.3640.876
q16b - Notification being dc'd from hospital?22.9956.7980.3890.876
q17 - After hospital dc how long does it take for you to get info needed to manage the patient?22.9257.7050.2860.878
q20. - If any of your patients receive home health services how often do:
q20a - You or practice personnel communicate with patient's home care provider?23.2256.9550.3420.877
q20b - Are you advised of a relevant change in patient's condition?23.1257.0420.3300.877
q21 - How easy or difficult is it to coordinate patient care with social services or other community providers?23.3457.3930.3020.878
q28b. - Does your practice offer patients the option to:
q28ba - Email the practice?23.0857.1020.3250.877
q28bb - View, download, etc, information from the medical record?23.0556.4240.4250.875
q29 - Can your practice generate information about your patients using computerized processes:
q29a - List of patients by diagnosis?22.8956.9870.4190.876
q29b - List by if patient is overdue for preventive care?23.0155.9830.5000.874
q29d - List of medications taken by individual patient?22.9456.5800.4480.875
q29e - List of lab results for individual patient?23.0456.4090.4310.875
q29f - Clinical summary for each visit to give to the patient?22.8956.9820.4150.876
Q30.- Are the following routinely performed in your practice using computer:
q30a - Patient sent reminder notices about preventive or follow up care?23.2656.4530.4180.875
q30b - All lab tests followed until results reach clinicians?23.0556.5030.4150.875
q30c - You receive prompt to provide patient with test results?23.1656.4280.4120.876
q30d - You receive reminder about guideline based intervention/screening?23.2056.0670.4620.875
q31. - Does the place where you practice routinely receive and review data about the following:
q31a - Clinical outcomes?23.1555.8750.4880.874
q 31b. - Surveys of patient satisfaction?23.0356.2700.4530.875
q31c. - Patient hospital or emergency department use?23.1056.2620.4390.875
q31d. - % of patients receiving recommended care?23.1055.8820.4920.874
q32. Are any of your own clinical performance reviewed against targets at least annually?22.9256.8250.4190.876
q33. Do you receive info on how the clinical performance of your practice compares to other practices?22.9957.0360.3550.877