Table 1.

Select Characteristics of Patients with De Novo Low Back Pain in 2014 Included in Sample

Total (n = 57,293)Imaging Within 6 Weeks of LBP Onset (n = 26,606)No Imaging Within 6 Weeks of LBP Onset (n = 30,687)P-Value*
Age in years (Mean, SE)71.20 (9.55)71.68 (9.38)70.70 (9.70)<.001
    Age <65, n (%)10,268 (17.92%)4,302 (16.16%)5,966 (19.44%)<.001
    Age 65 to 85, n (%)43,484 (75.90%)20,512 (77.09%)22,972 (74.85%)
    Age >85, n (%)3,541 (6.18%)1,792 (6.73%)1,749 (5.69%)
Male, n (%)21,656 (37.80%)9,751 (35.97%)12,085 (39.38%)<.001
Urban, n (%)49,625 (86.62%)23,148 (87.00%)26,477 (86.28%).011
Chiropractic at 6 weeks, n (%)5,157 (9.00%)1,018 (3.83%)4,139 (13.49%)<.001
Single PT at 6 weeks, n (%)1,453 (2.54%)964 (3.62%)489 (1.59%)<.001
Multiple PT at 6 weeks, n (%)4,979 (8.69%)2,803 (10.53%)2,176 (7.09%)<.001
OMM at 6 weeks, n (%)206 (0.36%)64 (0.24%)142 (0.46%)<.001
Opioid Use in prior 90 days, n (%)14,791 (25.82%)6,891 (25.9%)7,900 (25.74%).67
Nonnarcotic Rx at 6 weeks, n (%)31,108 (54.30%)16,187 (60.83%)14,921 (48.62%)<.001
Plan type
    HMO, n (%)27,632 (48.23%)12,910 (48.52%)14,722 (47.97%).19
    LPPO, n (%)15,028 (26.23%)6,889 (25.89%)81,39 (26.52%)
    PFFS, n (%)5,111 (8.92%)2,347 (8.82%)2764 (9%)
    POS, n (%)418 (0.73%)182 (0.68%)236 (0.76%)
    RPPO, n (%)9,104 (15.89%)4,278 (16.07%)4,826 (15.72%)
CMS region
    AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN, n (%)27,232 (47.53%)12,545 (47.15%)14,687 (47.86%)<.001
    AR, LA, NM, OK, TX, n (%)9,485 (16.56%)4,500 (16.91%)4,985 (16.24%)
    IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI, n (%)9,146 (15.96%)4,321 (16.24%)4,825 (15.72%)
    DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV, n (%)4,422 (7.72%)2,136 (8.02%)2,286 (7.44%)
    Other regions, n (%)7,008 (12.23%)3,104 (11.66%)3,904 (12.72%)
Site of initial presentation
    Physician office, n (%)33,898 (59.17%)13,690 (51.45%)20,208 (65.85%)<.001
    Outpatient, n (%)7,539 (13.16%)5,795 (21.78%)1,744 (5.68%)
    Hospital ED, n (%)5,525 (9.64%)4,520 (16.98%)1,005 (3.27%)
    Chiropractic physician, n (%)4,350 (7.59%)521 (1.95%)3,829 (12.47%)
    Other sites, n (%)5,981 (10.44%)2,080 (7.81%)3,901 (12.71%)
Specialty of provider at initial presentation
    Primary care, n (%)26,877 (46.91%)7,646 (28.73%)19,231 (62.66%)<.001
    Chiropractor, n (%)4,384 (7.65%)527 (1.98%)3,857 (12.56%)
    Hospital, n (%)2,942 (5.14%)1,696 (6.37%)1,246 (4.06%)
    Orthopaedic surgery, n (%)2,763 (4.82%)2,043 (7.67%)720 (2.34%)
    Other or unknown specialty, n (%)20,327 (35.48%)14,694 (55.22%)5,633 (18.35%)
  • CMS, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; ED, Emergency Department; HMO, Health Maintenance Organization; LBP, Low Back Pain; LPPO, Local Preferred Provider Organization; OMM, Osteopathic Manual Manipulation; PFFS, Private Fee-For-Service; POS, Point of Service; PT, physical therapy; RPPO, Regional Preferred Provider Organization; SE, standard error.

  • * Significance of difference between imaging and no-imaging groups.