Table 3.

Questions from Quality Improvement Team Leader Interviews and Clinician and Staff Focus Groups

When you first signed up to take part in this study, what were you hoping would take place as a result of participating? To what degree did you meet these goals?
What are the major changes that your practice has made in the management of chronic opioid therapy patients?ยท
Tell me about how the changes affect your daily work. What do you do differently now?
Reflecting on these changes that your practice has made in the management of chronic opioid therapy patients, what do you see as the key benefits (for the practice overall, for clinicians, for staff, for patients)?
Have there been any negative consequences of these changes that your practice has made in the management of chronic opioid therapy patients (for the practice overall, for clinicians, for staff, for patients)?
What surprised you as these changes in the practice or in your daily work started to be implemented? (FG)/What surprised you about the work? (I)
How have the changes that your practice has made influenced your attitudes toward your chronic opioid therapy patients? (FG)/How do you think attitudes toward chronic opioid therapy patients have changed through the implementation of this quality improvement initiative? (Among clinicians? Among staff? For you?)
A key objective of the project was to engage the clinical team in helping in the care of these chronic pain patients. What changes did your clinic make in the roles of the clinical team and how did this work out? What were the barriers to achieving this?
  • FG, focus group; I, interview.