Table 4.

Frequency of Adverse Events

AE, N (%)EC GroupNG GroupP Value
Subjects with any AEs*5 (6.7)13 (17.3).044
Total AEs9 (100)27 (10)
Sore throat2 (7.4%).497
Oral pain2 (22.2)5 (18.5).442
Cough3 (33.3)3 (11.1)1.000
Dry mouth2 (22.2)2 (7.4)1.000
Oral ulcer
Dizziness5 (18.5).058
Headache1 (11.1)2 (7.4)1.000
Nausea or vomiting1 (11.1)8 (29.6).034
  • AEs, adverse events; EC, electronic cigarette; NG, nicotine gum.

  • * P value was calculated using the χ2 test.

  • P value was calculated using the Fisher-Freeman-Halton extension of Fisher's probability test.