Table 4.

Odds of Having Contraceptive Management When Being Prescribed a High-Risk Medication for the Overall Study Population and Subgroup, Excluding Ondansetron, Controlling for Patient Age

AgeHigh-Risk Medication Prescribed N, %Adjusted ORs95% CIsP Value
Overall study population
<25173, 180.470.34 to 0.66<.001
25 to 34387, 390.820.65 to 1.03.09
35 to 45428, 431.180.93 to 1.50.18
Subgroup excluding ondansetron
<2530, 80.860.42 to 1.79.69
25 to 34108, 280.750.50 to 1.10.14
35 to 45245, 641.441.07 to 1.94.02
  • CIs, confidential intervals; ORs, odd ratios.