Table 2.

Performance of Substance Use Screens for Identifying Tobacco Dependence and Alcohol, Cannabis, and Other Illicit Drug Use Disorder

Age 12 to 15 Years N = 79,170Age 16 to 17 Years N = 42,356Age 18 to 20 Years N = 48,460
    ≥1 day1.000.971.000.901.000.79
    ≥2 days0.910.980.960.920.970.82
    ≥4 days0.810.990.890.940.940.86
    ≥25 days0.481.000.680.980.800.95
    AUC (SE)0.99 (0.0002)0.98 (0.0003)0.96 (0.0004)§
    ≥1 day1.000.851.000.571.000.38
    ≥2 days1.000.881.000.621.000.41
    ≥3 days1.000.901.000.661.000.44
    ≥12 days0.880.950.920.800.960.60
    ≥52 days0.490.980.580.920.730.79
    ≥270 days0.
    AUC (SE)0.97 (0.0004)0.91 (0.0008)0.84 (0.0010)§
    ≥1 day1.000.941.000.791.000.71
    ≥2 days1.000.951.000.821.000.73
    ≥3 days1.000.961.000.831.000.75
    ≥12 days0.930.970.950.880.970.81
    ≥52 days0.660.990.740.930.830.87
    ≥270 days0.
    AUC (SE)0.99 (0.0002)0.95 (0.0006)0.93 (0.0007)§
Other Illicit Drugs
    ≥1 day1.000.931.000.881.000.84
    ≥2 days0.950.940.970.900.980.87
    ≥3 days0.920.950.930.920.960.88
    ≥12 days0.750.970.800.950.850.93
    ≥52 days0.480.980.570.980.640.97
    ≥270 days0.
    AUC (SE)0.98 (0.0004)0.97 (0.0005)0.97 (0.0005)§
  • AUC, Area under Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve for Tobacco Dependence (Nicotine Dependence Syndrome Scale/Fagerström Test of Nicotine Dependence) or DSM-IV Alcohol, Cannabis, or Other Drug Use Disorders; Se, Sensitivity; Sp, Specificity.

  • Bolded screening cut-points are shown that have high values of sensitivity and specificity and minimize the number of different age- and substance-specific cut-points.

  • * Frequency is coded as days of use in the past month.

  • Frequency is coded as days of use in the past year.

  • χ2 test for independence (relative to age 12 to 15 years),

  • P < .0001.

  • χ2 test for independence (comparing 16–17- and 18–20-year-olds),

  • § P < .0001.