Appendix Table 1.

Respondent-Reported Physician and Practice Site Characteristics by Burnout and Perceived Clinic Social Determinants of Health Capacity Among 1298 Family Physicians Applying for Continuous Certification with the American Board of Family Medicine in 2016

VariableTotal (N = 1298) N (%)BurnoutClinic SDH Capacity
Burned Out (N = 481) N (%)Not burned Out (N = 1444) N (%)P ValueHigh SDH Capacity (N = 589) N (%)Not High SDH Capacity (N = 709) N (%)P Value
    MD1181 (91.0)312 (88.9)869 (91.2)533 (90.5)648 (91.4)
    DO117 (9.01)39 (11.1)78 (8.2).1156 (9.5)61 (8.60).57
    Contractor45 (3.47)11 (3.1)34 (3.6)23 (3.9)22 (3.1)
    Employee847 (65.2)237 (67.5)610 (64.4)403 (68.4)444 (62.6)
    Owner406 (31.3)103 (29.3)303 (32.0).58163 (27.7)243 (32.3).034*
Medical school faculty
    Full time55 (4.2)12 (3.4)43 (4.5)21 (3.6)34 (4.8)
    Part time247 (19.0)59 (16.8)188(19.9).27112 (19.0)135 (19.0).55
Residency faculty
    Full time70 (5.4)15 (4.3)55 (5.8)30 (5.1)40 (5.6)
    Part time106 (8.2)22 (6.3)84 (8.9).1551 (8.7)55 (7.8).78
Primary practice site1068 (82.3)284 (80.9)784 (82.8)480 (81.5)588 (82.9)
    Freestanding ambulatory hospital-based230 (17.7)67 (19.1)163 (17.2).43109 (18.5)121 (17.1).50
Practice Size (no. of clinicians)
    Solo184 (14.2)38 (10.8)146 (15.4)73 (12.4)111 (15.7)
    Small (2–5)439 (33.8)121 (34.5)318 (33.6)171 (29.0)268 (37.8)
    Medium (6–20)452 (34.8)120 (34.2)332 (35.1)217 (36.8)235 (33.2)
    Large (20+)222 (17.1)72 (20.5)150 (15.8)127 (21.6)95 (13.4)
    Other1 (0.1)0 (0.0)1 (0.11).111 (0.17)0 (0.0)<.0001*
  • * P < .05.

  • SDH, social determinants of health; MD, medical doctor; DO, doctor of osteopathic medicine.