Appendix Table 2.

Self-Reported Burnout among 1298 Family Physicians Applying for Continuous Certification with the American Board of Family Medicine in 2016: Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariable Analyses

VariableTotal Family PhysiciansBivariate: Self-Reported Burnout, n/N = 351/1298 (27.0%)Multivariable Model 1: Self-Reported BurnoutMultivariable Model 2: Self-Reported Burnout
N = 1298%OR95% CIOR95% CIOR95% CI
Perceived clinic capacity social needs
    Low (<6)70954.6RefRefRefRefRefRef
    High (≥6)58945.40.58*0.45–0.740.71*0.52–0.980.66*0.47–0.91
% Direct patient care
Control of workload
Team works efficiently
EHR time at home
HR proficiency
Stage of PCMH
    Not applying43533.5RefRefRefRefRefRef
Years in practice (1+)
    Continuous (1–53)12981000.990.98–1.000.980.96–1.000.980.96–1.00
Vulnerable patients
Practice size
    Small (2–5 clinicians)43933.81.460.97––2.05
    Medium (6–20 clinicians)45234.81.390.92––1.82
    Large (20 + clinicians)22217.11.84*1.17–2.901.740.91–3.23
Practice ownership
    Private practice76759.1RefRefRefRef
    Hospital or HMO based30923.81.050.78–1.420.830.54–1.28
    FQHC and similar13610.51.170.79–1.751.070.60–1.92
Medical school faculty
    Yes, full time554.20.710.37–1.371.110.44–2.80
    Yes, part time24719.00.800.58–1.110.810.53–1.24
Residency faculty
    Yes, full time705.40.700.39–1.260.590.23–1.54
    Yes, part time1068.20.670.41–1.100.670.35–1.25
Social work
Behavior specialist
  • * P < .05.

  • OR, odds ratio, CI, confidence interval; PCMH, patient-centered medical home; HMO, health maintenance organization; FQHC, federally qualified health center; EHR, electronic health record; Ref, reference.