Table 3.

Affirmative Responses for Practice-based Research Network Current and Projected (future) Research Efforts (n = 56)*

QuestionsCurrent N (%)Future N (%)
Engaged with community stakeholders in research efforts.48 (87)46 (84)
Contributed data to epidemiologic surveillance projects.18 (33)14 (26)
Conducted research using patient registries.35 (64)39 (71)
Conducted QI for local practice sites.42 (76)**
Conducted QI for multiple practice sites.38 (69)42 (76)
Conducted research projects to facilitate practice transformation.46 (84)39 (71)
Conducted research linking clinical work with health policy reform efforts.25 (45)32 (58)
Conducted research transitioning to PCMH.33 (60)**
  • * Due to missing data, the N responding varies by question.

  • ** Future plans to conduct research in this area were not asked.

  • PCMH, patient-centered medical home; QI, quality improvement.