Table 3.

Characteristics of Survey Respondents

Intervention ClinicsControl ClinicsP value*
Age, y.001
18 to 44737.8578.7
45 to 6443446.435854.8
Mean Age, y (SD)63 (12)61 (12).010
Non-Hispanic white78384.755987.3.147
At least some college69174.044868.8.025
Employment status.008
Full time/part time31433.622334.2
Married (or living as married)61565.943867.2.601
Lives in western Washington69374.135854.8<.001
Mental health disorders (dx in past 36 months)62366.642364.8.444
Alcohol use disorder (dx in past 36 months, not in remission)505.3324.9.692
Nonopioid drug use disorder (dx in past 36 months)899.5345.2.002
Opioid drug use disorder (dx in past 36 months)10110.87611.6.602
Tobacco use disorder (dx in past 36 months)22424.015123.1.701
Charlson comorbidity score (based on past 12 months).030
1 to 221923.418027.6
Average COT dose (in prior quarter)<.001
<15 mg23224.89614.7
15 to <50 mg43246.229645.3
50 to <120 mg19921.315023.0
120+ mg727.711117.0
Mean # days of opioid use (in prior month) (SD)29 (3)29 (3).269
Mean PEG score (SD)5.8 (2.2)5.9 (2.1).708
Helpfulness of COT.510
Not at all or a little helpful576.1436.6
Moderately helpful30232.319329.6
Very or extremely helpful57661.641663.8
Bothersomeness of COT.283
Not at all or a little bothersome80886.754784.2
Moderately bothersome9910.68613.2
Very or extremely bothersome252.7172.6
  • Some data were missing for race/ethnicity (1.5%), education (0.2%), employment (0.06%), marital status (0.2%), PEG score (0.8%), perceived helpfulness (0.1%), and bothersomeness (0.4%) of COT.

  • Counts and percentages in this table describe the survey respondents only and are not weighted to account for nonresponse.

  • * P values are based on χ2 tests (for categorical variables) or t tests (for continuous variables) for whether the distributions of the given characteristics differ between survey respondents in the intervention and control clinics.

  • COT, chronic opioid therapy; dx, diagnosis; PEG, pain, enjoyment, and general activity.

  • SD, standard deviation.