Table 1.

EvidenceNOW Facilitator and Practice Characteristics, 2015 to 2017

Facilitator Characteristics: Qualitative Data, Collected via Interviews and Site Visits
Number of practices per facilitatorRange: 1 to 35; most facilitators worked with 10 to 20 practices across a 9- to 15-month intervention time frame
Number of in-person facilitator visits to practiceRange: 12 to 28 intended visits across a 9- to 15-month intervention time frame
Facilitator time spent at visitRange: 30 minutes-4 hours
Mode: 1 hour
Practice Characteristics: Practice Survey Data, Collected at Intervention Baseline
Size93% had fewer than 10 clinicians
Ownership40% were clinician owned; this is the largest of all ownership types
Location68% were located in urban areas
35% served medically underserved communities
Practice Health Information Technology Characteristics: Practice Survey Data, Collected at Intervention Baseline
EHR90% were using an electronic health record; 83% were certified by The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
Reporting capability62% were participating in meaningful use stages 1 and 2
26% had an in-house clinician or staff member write/configure clinical quality reports
38% had an outside service/consultant write/configure clinical quality reports
17% had no ability to write/configure clinical quality reports
Data fluency36% reported that they routinely discussed their clinical quality data “often.”
  • EHR, electronic health record.