Table 1.

The Three Most Frequently Read Articles in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 2017, Volume 30, By Issue

Jan/Feb 2017
  1. Parchman ML, Von Korff M, Baldwin LM, et al. Primary Care Clinic Re-Design for Prescription Opioid Management. Original Research: (1).

  2. Anderson KL, Strowd LC. Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Scabies in a Dermatology Office. Original Research: (1).

  3. Alcalá HE, Chen J, Langellier BA, Roby DH, Ortega AN. Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Health Care Access and Utilization Among Latinos. Original Research: (1).

Mar/Apr 2017
  1. Woolsey S, Brown B, Ralls B, Friedrichs M, Stults B. Diagnosing Hypertension in Primary Care Clinics According to Current Guidelines. Original Research: (1).

  2. Balasubramanian BA, Cohen DJ, Jetelina KK, et al. Outcomes of Integrated Behavioral Health with Primary Care. Original Research: (1).

  3. Edwards BA, Powell JR, McGaffey A, et al. FitwitsTM Leads to Improved Parental Recognition of Childhood Obesity and Plans to Encourage Change. Original Research: (1).

May/June 2017
  1. Ebell MH, Marchello C, Callaha M. Clinical Diagnosis of Bordetella Pertussis Infection: A Systematic Review. Original Research: (1).

  2. Moore MA, Coffman M, Jetty A, Klink K, Petterson S, Bazemore A. Family Physicians Report Considerable Interest in, but Limited Use of, Telehealth Services. Original Research: (1)

  3. Djuric Z, Segar M, Orizondo C, et al. Delivery of Health Coaching by Medical Assistants in Primary Care. Original Research: (1)

Jul/Aug 2017
  1. Davis MA, Lin LA, Liu H, Sites BD. Prescription Opioid Use among Adults with Mental Health Disorders in the United States. Original Research: (1).

  2. Eastment MC, McClintock AH, McKinney CM, Narita M, Molnar A. Factors That Influence Treatment Completion for Latent Tuberculosis Infection. Original Research: (1).

  3. Byhoff E, Cohen AJ, Hamati MC, Tatko J, Davis MM, Tipirneni R. Screening for Social Determinants of Health in Michigan Health Centers. Original Research: (1).

Sep/Oct 2017
  1. Kozakowski SM, Pugno PA. The American Board of Family Medicine: New Tools to Assist Program Directors and Graduates Achieve Success. Commentary: (1).

  2. Summers Holtrop J, Hall TL, Rubinson C, Dickinson LM, Glasgow RE. What Makes for Successful Registry Implementation: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Original Research: (1).

  3. Fiscella K. Improving the Health of Patients and Communities: Evolving Practice-based Research (PBR) and Collaborations. Commentary: (1).

Nov/Dec 2017
  1. Schoenborn NL, Lee K, Pollack CE, et al. Older Adults' Preferences for When and How to Discuss Life Expectancy in Primary Care. Original Research: (1).

  2. Belden JL, Koopman RJ, Patil SJ, Lowrance NJ, Petroski GF, Smith JB. Dynamic Electronic Health Record Note Prototype: Seeing More by Showing Less. Original Research: (1).

  3. Lutz J, Gross R, Long D, Cox S. Predicting Risk for Opioid Misuse in Chronic Pain with a Single-Item Measure of Catastrophic Thinking. Brief Report: (1).

  • Source: Content usage statistics for the JABFM, January 2017 through February 2018, HighWire Press. Accessed March 6, 2018. Rankings are updated monthly and based on hits received by articles archived on the JABFM Web site only.