Table 1.

Description of Features for Four Model Electronic Health Record Note Visual Displays

LetterName of Note Visual Display ModelFeatures Distinguishing This Note Model
ASOAP noteUsual electronic health record format, serves as control
BAPSO two-column noteMoves Assessment & Plan to top, adds second column for static data from the Past Family, Medical, and Social History
CCollapsible APSO one columnSame features as B, but only one column of text. Adds: Interactive, collapsible accordion display; headers for Review of Systems, Physical Exam, & Results displaying the abnormal text and showing abnormal item count & total organ system count; visual emphasis (bold & color type) for abnormal values in the body text of Review of Sytems, Physical Exam, & Results.
DCollapsible APSO two columnSame as C, but two columns instead of one
  • APSO, assessment, plan, subjective, objective; SOAP, subjective, objective, assessment, plan.