Table 1.

Sample Characteristics by Obstetric Care and Nonobstetric Care Provider Status (N = 1131)

Respondent CharacteristicObstetric Care PCPs, No. (%)Nonobstetric Care PCPs, No. (%)χ2P
N417 (100)714 (100)
Female, n (%)233 (56.0)330 (46.6)9.3<.01
Age (years)*49.0<.0001
    <40129 (31.0)140 (19.7)
    40 to 49153 (36.8)195 (27.5)
    50 to 5987 (20.9)208 (29.3)
    60+47 (11.3)167 (23.5)
    White, non-Hispanic334 (80.3)591 (83.6)
    Asian21 (5.1)50 (7.1)
    Black, non-Hispanic17 (4.1)26 (3.7)
    Hispanic24 (5.8)25 (3.5)
    Other20 (4.8)15 (2.1)
    Visiting professor or N/A60 (5.4)62 (5.6)
    Assistant professor180 (44.0)254 (35.9)
    Associate professor118 (28.9)216 (30.6)
    Full professor51 (12.5)175 (24.8)
Terminal degree6.2.01
    MD390 (94.0)640 (89.6)
    DO or other25 (6.0)74 (10.4)
Half days of seeing patients4.2.12
    <3190 (45.9)361 (51.1)
    3 to 6205 (49.5)306 (43.3)
    7+19 (4.6)40 (3.6)
Primary role§55.3<.0001
    Clinical teaching268 (64.9)326 (46.2)
    Administration75 (18.2)226 (20.2)
    Clinical care42 (10.2)76 (10.8)
    Research5 (1.2)43 (6.1)
    Faculty development9 (2.2)5 (0.7)
    Non-academic physician/other14 (3.4)30 (4.3)
Actively teach students/residents414 (99.5)696 (97.6)5.8.02
Provide adult inpatient care410 (98.3)597 (84.3)54.8<.0001
Provide ICU/CCU care237 (57.1)314 (44.8)15.8<.0001
Provide nursing home care326 (78.4)524 (74.0)2.7.10
Provide newborn nursery care399 (95.9)513 (72.9)91.8<.0001
Provide pediatric inpatient care307 (73.8)398 (56.6)33.1<.0001
Provide surgical inpatient procedures126 (30.7)84 (12.1)58.2<.0001
Provide emergency room care172 (41.8)240 (34.4)5.93.01
Respondent CharacteristicObstetric Care PCPs, M (SD)Nonobstetric Care PCPs, M (SD)t(df)P
Percent time: direct patient care34.6 ± 18.032.0 ± 20.7t(1116) = 2.15.03
Percent time: research6.3 ± 9.59.9 ± 14.9t(924) = −4.1<.0001
Percent time: administration27.3 ± 17.633.0 ± 22.1t(1081) = −4.4<.0001
Percent time: teaching33.0 ± 16.627.4 ± 17.8t(1106) = 5.2<.0001
Percent time: other6.5 ± 10.68.8 ± 14.6t(924) = −1.4<.16
Years since residency graduation15.2 ± 9.720.0 ± 10.9t(1128) = −7.5<.01
  • Where numbers do not add up to the total sample size, the remainder represent missing data.

  • * The categories, “<30” and “30 to 39” were combined to “<40” due to fewer than 5 respondents in the <30 age range.

  • “Visiting professor” and “Not applicable (N/A)” were combined due to fewer than 5 respondents endorsing visiting professorships.

  • Only 1 respondent chose “other”.

  • § ”Non-academic physician” and “other” were combined due to fewer than 5 respondents endorsing “non-academic physician.”

  • The stem for this question was, “Do you OR any of your family physician practice partners provide the following services?”

  • PCP, primary care physicians; SD, Standard Deviation.