Table 2.

WONCA Global Standards for Postgraduate Family Medicine Education

Comprehensive document addressing the structure, process and outcome of postgraduate medical education and training:
  • 1) Mission and Outcomes

  • 2) Training Process (structured curriculum that is comprehensive, community-based, continuity of care, care for undifferentiated problems and psychosocial needs; service vs learning)

  • 3) Assessment of trainees (including feedback)

  • 4) Trainees (admission policies, working conditions, support)

  • 5) Staffing (appointments, obligations)

  • 6) Training settings and educational resources (inpatient and outpatient, information technology, team-based care)

  • 7) Evaluation of training process (trainee evaluation of program, using trainee competence as measure, involvement of stakeholders)

  • 8) Governance and administration (leadership, funding, administration)

  • 9) Continuous renewal (quality improvement of program based on needs of communities, institutions and trainees

  • WONCA Working Party on Education.27