Table 1.

Practice Characteristics Extracted from Published Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Data and How These Characteristics Overlay to Create the Four Types of PCMHs

Practice Characteristics Extracted from DataClinic/Practice Typologies
Add-on (Type 1)Renovated (Type 2)Hybrid (Type 3)Integrated (Type 4)
1. Added care manager for specific disease1, 3; sometimes may see 6 or 8, specifically around 1 disease type being managed, (eg, DM care management)Must include some of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8Must include 1, plus some of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8May include 1 to 8
Must include either 9 or 10
2. Care managers for team
3. Registry capabilities
4. Scheduling updates
5. EMR/electronic updates
6. Care teams
7. Doctor-task redesign
8. Payer redesign
9. Integrated mental health
10. Community input/community resource network
  • DM, diabetes mellitus; EMR, electronic medical record.