Table 2.

Rates of Delivering Preventive Services Before and After Outreach Program Implementation, Grouped by Service Type and Care Delivery Domain

Preventive Service TypeBaseline Service Rate*Intervention Service Rate*PShare of Total ROI
Primary care practice domain
    Smoking cessation counseling33%71%<.0114%
    Adult immunizations (influenza and pneumococcal vaccine)63%78%<.053%
    Diabetes management (diabetes checkup visits & HbA1c measurement)48%75%<.0118%
    Well child visits51%60%<.0513%
    Physical activity counseling27%38%<.0114%
    All practice-based services44%64%<.0162%
County hospital and health system domain
    Colonoscopy (referred)38%43%.0731%
    Mammography (referred)55%63%<.056%
    Bone density screening (referred)24%30%<.051%
    All referred services39%45%.0538%
County healthcare domain
    All services combined42%57%<.01100%
  • * Service rates were measured by combining HIE record analyses and medical record abstractions. HIE records and health system-level service reports were essential to estimate the rate of referred services (mammography, colonoscopy, and bone density screening).

  • Total ROI includes all returns generated across the project, including all organizations and services.

  • Although this trend did not reach statistical significance across the county, there was an increase in the absolute number of colonoscopies that were referred to the health system that employed the wellness coordinator during the intervention period compared to the baseline period. Most of these patients received a call from the wellness coordinator.