Table 2.

CTSC-HERO Complementary Partnership Roles to Improve Community Engaged Research and Health Outcomes

CTSCHERO ProgramCommunity Health Outcomes
Provide salary support to regional HEROs+Determine community research priorities=Increase in community-engaged research
Train HEROs in community-based research methods+Facilitate recruitment of study participants=1. Increased rural research participation
2. Dissemination of research results
Orient investigators interested in community engaged research to community needs and local HEROs+Provide researchers with on-site orientation to community assets, challenges=More collaboration between HEROs and CTSC researchers
Identify evidence-based dissemination opportunities+Translate research into coaching, advocacy and policy development=Improvement in social determinants of health
  • CTSC, Clinical and Traslational Science Center; HERO, Health Extesion Regional Officers.