Table 1.

Demographic Characteristics of Study Participants - Men with Recently Diagnosed Localized Prostate Cancer

All Interview Participants (n = 47)*Active Patients (n = 10)*Partially Active Patients (n = 25)*Passive Patients (n = 12)*
Age (mean, range)66.7 (59–86)70.6 (49 to 86)63.5 (50 to 76)70 (56 to 86)
Educational Attainment N (%)
    High school or less15 (31.9%)1 (10%)8 (32%)6 (50%)
    Some college9 (19.1%)0 (0%)8 (32%)1 (8.3%)
    College or more22 (46.8%)9 (90%)9 (36%)4 (33.3%)
Total Household Income N (%)
    <$50,00014 (29.8%)1 (10%)6 (24%)7 (58.3%)
    ≥$50,00030 (63.8%)8 (80%)18 (72%)4 (33.3%)
Race N (%)
    White38 (80.9%)9 (90%)21 (84%)8 (66.7%)
    Black9 (19.1%)1 (10%)4 (16%)4 (33.3%)
Employment Status N (%)
    Employed15 (31.9%)5 (50%)8 (32%)2 (16.7%)
    Unemployed2 (4.3%)1 (10%)1 (4%)0 (0%)
    Disabled4 (8.5%)0 (0%)2 (8%)2 (16.7%)
    Retired25 (53.2%)3 (30%)14 (56%)8 (66.7%)
Insurance Status N (%)
    Medicare20 (42.6%)7 (70%)6 (24%)7 (58.3%)
    Medicaid2 (4.3%)0 (0%)1 (4%)1 (8.3%)
    Private25 (53.2%)3 (30%)18 (72%)4 (33.3%)
  • * Certain demographic characteristics do not add up to the total number of participants because some participants did not provide all demographic information.